01/22/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2025 14:41
Notice of Complete Application
Application ID:
Permit(s) Applied for:
Article 17 Titles 7 & 8 P/C/I SPDES- Groundwater Discharge
Project is Located:
Project Description:
The Department has prepared a draft permit and has made a tentative determination, subject to public comment or other information, to approve the proposed reauthorization and modification of subsurface discharges of treated sanitary wastewater. No change is proposed to the following outfalls: 21,050 gallons per day (GPD) from Outfall 001 using absorption trenches; 8000 GPD from Outfall 018 using absorption trenches; 5991 GPD from Outfall 019 using absorption trenches; and 1320 GPD from Outfall 020 using absorption trenches. A revised discharge is proposed of 2,750 GPD from Outfall 008 using absorption trenches. Also present at the facility are the following non-jurisdictional subsurface discharges under 1,000 GPD of treated sanitary wastewater through absorption trenches: Outfall 002 (600 GPD), Outfall 003 (600 GPD), Outfall 004 (600 GPD), Outfall 005 (600 GPD), Outfall 006 (600 GPD), Outfall 007 (600 GPD), Outfall 009 (660 GPD) and Outfall 10 (600 GPD), Outfall 11 (300 gpd), Outfall 12 (600 gpd) , Outfall 13 (300 gpd) , Outfall 14 (300 gpd) , Outfall 15 (400 gpd) and Outfall 16 (245 gpd). Previously existing Outfall 017 (450 GPD) will be decommissioned.
These outfalls are located at the Millbrook School located at 131 Millbrook School Rd in the Town of Stanford, Dutchess County. The proposed changes are associated with the construction of four new residential faculty houses.
The draft SPDES permit with fact sheet are available online at https://dec.ny.gov/fs/projects/draftpermits. The draft permit files are contained within regional folders and named by the SPDES number contained in this notice.
Requests for a legislative (public statement) hearing must be sent in writing to the DEC contact person below by the comment deadline. The Department assesses such requests pursuant to 6NYCRR Section 621.8.
Refer to this application by the application number listed above and the SPDES Number NYNY0214612.
Availability of Application Documents:
Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.
State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination:
Project is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was performed.
SEQR Lead Agency: Stanford Town Planning Board
State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination:
A cultural resources survey has been completed and cultural resources were identified. Based on information provided in the survey report, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) has determined that the proposed activity will have no adverse impact on registered or eligible archaeological sites or historic structures. No further review in accordance with SHPA is required.
Coastal Management:
This project is not located in a Coastal Management area and is not subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act.
DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29)
It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29.
Opportunity for Public Comment:
Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than Feb 6, 2025.
Ellen Hart
NYSDEC Region 3 Headquarters
21 S Putt Corners Rd
New Paltz, New York 12561