MDOT - Maine Department of Transportation

01/13/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/13/2025 14:14

1/13/2025: MaineDOT Prevails in Federal Appeals Court Decision on Frank J. Wood Bridge Replacement

News Release for January 13, 2025

For more Information:
Paul Merrill, Public Information Officer - 207-624-3355 or 207-215-9297

AUGUSTA - The First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston has affirmed the U.S. District Court's decision supporting MaineDOT's replacement of the Frank J. Wood Bridge. The Circuit Court decision, issued on Friday, upholds a District Court decision that was issued in January 2024.

"This latest ruling reaffirms that the decision to replace the Frank J. Wood Bridge, rather than rehabilitate the existing structure, was and is the best way to continue to provide a safe and reliable connection between the villages of Brunswick and Topsham," said MaineDOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note. "This is the eighth court ruling since 2020 that supports the new bridge decision made by the state and federal transportation officials after an extensive public and permitting process. While a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court to request further appeal is possible, we hope that the consistency and strength of the prior legal rulings, the low likelihood of success of such petitions, and the widespread support for the new bridge will lead the plaintiffs to conclude that it is time to end this lengthy and expensive legal process."

The Frank J. Wood Bridge carries Route 201 over the Androscoggin River between Brunswick and Topsham. The existing bridge is more than 90 years old. It is fracture critical and rated in poor condition. Since November 2021, MaineDOT has prohibited all commercial traffic from using the current bridge.

MaineDOT began the process to improve this crossing in 2014. Legal and process delays through a period of extraordinary construction inflation caused the new bridge costs to more than triple original conceptual estimates. In February 2023, a contract for the new bridge was awarded to Reed & Reed, Inc. of Woolwich for $49.9 million.

On-site construction on the replacement bridge began in April 2023. Steel beams are currently being placed on the new piers and abutments. All work associated with the construction contract is scheduled to be finished in late 2026, but the new bridge is expected to be open to traffic earlier than that.

Once complete, the Towns of Brunswick and Topsham will be connected by a safe and reliable new bridge, located on a curved upstream alignment, that will feature enhancements requested by a local design advisory committee. Designed to last for at least 100 years, the new bridge will have sidewalks on both sides with pedestrian viewing bump-outs, wider shoulders on both sides, parks on both ends, special railings, lighting and other design details, and unobstructed views of the natural and architectural features of the surrounding Pejepscot Falls site.
