SindiTabaco -Union Interstate Tobacco Industry

11/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/12/2024 12:19

Tobacco harvest officially inaugurated in Rio Grande do Sul

Tobacco harvest officially inaugurated in Rio Grande do Sul

12 . NOV . 2024 Releases

Public authorities and representatives of the tobacco supply chain were present at the 6th Official Opening Ceremony of the Tobacco Harvest, in Rio Pardo (RS). Promoted by the Secretariats of Rural Development and Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation, with the support from the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) and the Association of Tobacco Growers of Brazil (Afubra), the program was held at the Afubra Expoagro Park, in the district of Rincão Del Rey, in Rio Pardo (RS).

Afubra president Marcilio Drescher greeted the leaders who defend the cause of the supply chain, expressing his happiness in hosting the event. "The official opening acknowledged the sector's relevance in providing income for the family farmers, whilst promoting municipal economic growth. When another crop is ready to be harvested, it arouses hope among the farmers who expect that the fruits of their labor will be recognized. Thus far, there is every indication that it will be a normal crop, as far as quality and productivity go. However, the crop is marketed after harvest and we feel anxious and hopeful in expectation for a good price", Drescher concluded.

SindiTabaco president Valmor Thesing expressed thanks to Afubra for its support and for providing the park for the event. "The opening of the tobacco harvest is a joyful and rejoicing moment that emphasizes the relevance of the tobacco supply chain. It is a century-old crop that generates income and employment, brings in foreign currency and generates taxes. It is also a moment to pay tribute to the work of men and women who generate wealth for the municipalities and the State. It is also a time for the Integrated Tobacco Production System to renew its strength and, accordingly, Brazil's leadership in the global tobacco market scenario," Thesing stressed.

Rio Grande do Sul is responsible for 43% of all tobacco produced in South Brazil, which, in the 2023/24 growing season, in the South Region of Brazil, harvested a crop of 508 thousand tons. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul alone, the activity involves almost 70 thousand farmers in approximately 200 municipalities. The Secretary of Rural Development, Vilson Covatti, gave information on the state's family farming scenario, especially tobacco farming, mentioning social and economic numbers of the crop and speaking highly of the organization of the supply chain. He also referred to the state government's concern, particularly the SDR's concern, with regard to soil recovery. "We are prepared to provide for all necessary resources for soil recovery, with the focus on higher productivity, quality and income," Covatti explained.

Now an integral part of the official agenda of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, since 2017 the opening ceremony of the tobacco harvest has turned into a joyful event and has already been held in different tobacco-producing regions in the State. The venues of the last five editions were as follows: Venâncio Aires (2017), Canguçu (2018), Arroio do Tigre (2019), Vale do Sol (2021) and São Lourenço do Sul (2022).

Clair Kuhn, Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation (Seapi), spoke about the financial resources for irrigation now available to farmers. "I am well aware of the importance of technical assistance, whether provided by Emater or by companies of the sector. Tobacco farmers have never had the chance to get resources from the government. Now they have that opportunity. Phase 1 of the irrigation project had 264 projects approved and, at the moment, 400 additional projects are undergoing analysis, some of them from farmers in this region," said Kuhn, encouraging the farmers to go in search of more information on the subject and declaring the tobacco harvest in Rio Grande do Sul open.

The event was also attended by representatives of the Association of Tobacco Producing Municipalities (Amprotabaco), the Sectoral Chamber of the Tobacco Supply Chain, Emater, as well as state and federal deputies, mayors and councilors from the region.

Safe harvest

Harvesting is synonymous with income, but also with health and safety. It is time that requires careful attention to safe harvesting, wearing the right clothes in compliance with the recommendations concerning the most appropriate times of day for the task. "Safe and decent work is important for our business and the farmers' representatives are with us in this mission to raise awareness about these issues, in a clear demonstration of the important role that the integrated tobacco production system plays in the lives of thousands \of people in rural areas," reinforced Valmor Thesing, president of SindiTabaco.

About SindiTabaco

Founded on 24 June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), in the River Pardo Valley region, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. Initially known as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its operations over the years and, since 2010, it has comprised the entire national territory, with the exception of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. With 14 associated companies, the initiatives of the entity are mainly concentrated in the South Region of the Country, where more than 98% of the tobacco is produced, with the involvement of 626 thousand people in the rural scenario, in 509 municipalities. Know more about it at

KNOW MORE: Numbers of the tobacco sector

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Daniella Turano - - (11) 98596-7477

Eliana Stülp Kroth - - (51) 99667-7405

Roberta Sena - - (11) 98435-6712

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