01/28/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/28/2025 18:06
Explore Indigo Ag's latest whitepaper: Unlocking Agriculture Soil Carbon as a Solution: A Primer. Written by our team of science, policy, and carbon market experts, dive into how:
Avoiding the worst impacts of global climate change and limiting global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius requires cutting emissions in about half by 2030. With 2030 just 5 years away, our society has an urgent need to drive action, through both emissions abatement and high-integrity carbon removals. Agriculture plays a crucial role in both contributing to and mitigating climate change. Agriculture, forestry, and other land-use accounts for ~22% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, largely due to activities like livestock production, fertilizer use, and land-use changes, and thus represents a major opportunity to reduce emissions by changing agricultural production behaviors. Beyond reducing emissions, there is even greater potential for agriculture to play a role as a nature-based climate solution. Agricultural soils act as a powerful sink that can mitigate up to 4 GT CO2e per year (with up to 3 GT annual sequestration potential according to the IPCC). Soil carbon sequestration in agriculture represents an immediate solution to meet the urgent need for removals, while also reducing agricultural emissions through many of the same methods. Implementing sustainable management practices that sequester carbon also help restore degraded soils, improve water supplies, build ecosystem resiliency, and support food security.
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