01/03/2025 | Press release | Archived content
DuPage County expects to receive approximately $3.6 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Community Development Block Grant Program, $286,000 for the Emergency Solutions Grant Program, and $1.5 million for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program for FY2025. The overall goal of these three programs is to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities principally for low- and moderate- income persons. It is estimated that at least 95% of the DuPage County funds received from these three programs, and covered by the Consolidated Plan (ConPlan), will benefit persons of low- and moderate-income.
A draft ConPlan describing the use of these funds in the next program year and describing the strategies for the use of these funds for years 2025-2029, will be available for review on January 3, 2025. This document can be viewed on the DuPage County Community Development website: Planning and Reporting (dupagecounty.gov) under the "Consolidated Plan" drop down option.
The link to the ConPlan has been forwarded to public libraries, municipalities and townships throughout the DuPage County Consortium area, which includes any municipality wholly or partly in DuPage County.
For interested organizations or individuals without access to the internet, a reasonable number of free copies of the plan will be made available upon request by contacting the DuPage County Community Development Commission at 630-407-6600. Draft documents will be made available in a form accessible to persons with disabilities, upon request. The plan may be viewed in person at the Community Development Commission office, 421 N. County Farm Road, Room 2-800, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187 from 8 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.
The primary elements of the ConPlan are summarized as follows:
1. Analysis of Impediments - This document identifies impediments to fair housing choice within the County and outlines actions to be taken to overcome the effects of any impediments identified.
2. Executive Summary - This provides a description of the area served by the ConPlan, policy groups, and summary of distribution of funds.
3. Process - Describes lead agencies, contact information, consultations, surveys conducted, agencies consulted in ConPlan development, and citizen participation.
4. Housing Market Analysis - This section includes an overview, number of units, cost analysis, condition of housing, homelessness, goals, and barriers to affordable housing.
5. Needs Assessment - Includes an overview, summary of housing needs, housing problems, housing cost burdens, public housing, homeless needs, special-needs population needs, and non-housing community development needs.
6. Strategic Plan - Describes priority needs, anticipated resources, goals, anti-poverty strategy, and monitoring.
7. Action Plan for 2025 - Includes expected resources, specific proposed projects, homeless and other special-needs activities.
The anticipated HUD resources are estimates, and as such, the County may add, subtract or transfer amounts among identified projects without publishing a substantial amendment, in accordance with its Citizen Participation Plan.
The comment period for the 2025-2029 ConPlan will run from January 6, 2025, through February 7, 2025. Comments by interested citizens and organizations can be made in writing via mail to 421 N. County Farm Road., Room 2-800, Wheaton, IL 60187 or via email [email protected], up until 4:30 pm on February 7, 2025.
The public hearing for the 2025-2029 ConPlan, 2025 Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing will be held:
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
421 North County Farm Road
Wheaton, Illinois
Room 3-500a, 3rd floor, North End of Building
The location of the public hearing is accessible to people with disabilities. Anyone requiring special accommodation should contact the DuPage County Department of Community Services, Community Development Commission at (630) 407-6600.