Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

09/26/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Minister of National Defence Attends Memorial Ceremonies for the 81st Anniversary from the Sinking of Destroyer “Vasilissa Olga”

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Minister of National Defence Attends Memorial Ceremonies for the 81st Anniversary from the Sinking of Destroyer "Vasilissa Olga"

September 26, 2024


On Thursday 26 September 2024, the Minister of National Defence, Nikos Dendias, attended the ceremonies which took place in Leros, regarding the 81stanniversary from the sinking of Destroyer "Vasilissa Olga" by German bombers, which resulted in the death of the boat's Captain, Lieutenant Commander Georgios Blessas, and of 69 more members of the crew.

The Minister was accompanied by the Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Dimitrios Houpisand the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis.

Mr. Dendias attended the Doxology, which took place in the Holy Cathedral of St. Nicholas, in Lakki, Leros, and was officiated by His Beatitude the Metropolitan of Leros, Kalymnos, and Astypalea, Mr. Paisios, His Grace, the Bishop of Stratonikia, Mr. Stefanos, the Vicar of Hellenic Navy, Archimandrite Colonel Mr. Alexios Istratoglous,and the holy clergy of the island.

A memorial service and laying of wreaths followed at the Memorial of the Fallen.

The ceremony was also attended by MPs for the Dodecanese Ioannis Pappas, Emmanouil Konsolas, Vasilios-Nikolaos Ypsilantis, the Commander of the Hellenic Navy Logistics Command, Vice Admiral Panagiotis Dimitroglou HN, as representative of the Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff, the Deputy Head of Region for the Dodecanese Efstratios Christou, the Mayor of Leros, Timotheos Kottakis, the Commanding General of the Supreme Military Command of Interior and Islands, Lieutenant General Emmanouil Theodorou, the Commanding General of the 80thHigher National Guard Battalions Command, Brigadier General Pavlos Andrikopoulos, the Port Commander of Leros, Commander (CG) Christos Andrianis, the Defence Attacheé of the United Kingdom, Captain Samuel James Law, relatives and representatives of the fallen and of survivors of the Destroyer "Vasilissa Olga" and of the British ship "Intrepid", representatives of the Security Forces and other institutions, educators, as well as representatives of schools and associations.

In his address during the ceremony, Mr. Dendias stated:

"I would like to express from the bottom of my heart, that it is a great pleasure for me to be here in Leros, for the first time in my life".Let alone for a reason that is really worth it:

In order to pay the necessary respect to the fallen during the sinking of Destroyer "VASILISSA OLGA", on 26 September 1943, right here where we are standing right now, in Lakki, Leros.

Every casualty gains meaning when it is included in a broader framework and course, so as to be remembered by future generations. The future generations of the Hellenic Navy. The future generations of the Hellenic People.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in a time of rapid geopolitical developments. The geostrategic meaning of the Dodecanese and the Archipelago is, I reckon, evident to everyone. The closeness to the greco-turkish borders, which I will never grow tired of reminding everybody, constitute the borders of Europe as well, is a vital element to this case.

And I will never grow tired of repeating it, that Leros, as well as all - I repeat; all - of the islands of the Dodecanese have the right to a continental shelf, they have the right to an Exclusive Economic Zone, and they have the right to up to 12 miles of territorial waters, exactly as it is stated in the International Law of the Sea, which also constitutes a customary Law and is binding for everybody; namely both countries that have signed it and countries that have not.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Hellenic State is not here today, however, just to pay the necessary respect. It is here to state that the Armed Forces remain a supporter of the society of Leros and the inhabitants of the Dodecanese in times of peace as well. In all the hardships that they might be called upon to face. It is the duty of the Hellenic Armed Forces and their foremost responsibility, to support the communities of our remote areas.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are all here, bound by our constitutional obligation, in order to maintain a powerful, free, and safe Nation; a safe, free, and independent Country.

And I am sorry to say, that we do not possess the luxury of complacency.

However, in today's vigilance, especially that of the Armed Forces, the timeless paradigm is that of the holy memory of those fallen during the long passing of time, during their attempt for National Independence. We will always remember them in the manner that we should.

Thank you very much".

After the ceremony, Mr. Dendias boarded the Gunboat "AITITOS" and proceeded to the location where the Destroyer sank along with its heroic crew on 26 September 1943, where he laid a wreath of laurels. The visit to Leros was concluded with a visit to the Leros National Guard Club.