01/30/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 02:42
This spring, the College of Health (COH) Center for Interprofessional Education is offering simulation learning activities related to the topics of Health at Every Size and traditional healing.
Learners from a variety of healthcare and pre-health professions programs will come together to take care of patients in immersive scenarios. Participants will receive guidance related to the theme and will have an opportunity to reflect with their care team, faculty and content experts after the simulation.
Through realistic simulations, participants enhance their teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills.
These events are for College of Health students, faculty and staff. Questions may be emailed to uaa_simulation@alaska.edu.
Event location - UAA Health Sciences Building, 3795 Piper Street, Anchorage, Alaska
Event Dates -