Chuck Grassley

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 15:42

Grassley Named Clean Energy Champion


Grassley Named Clean Energy Champion

WASHINGTON - Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) named Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) a 2024 Clean Energy Champion. Grassley delivered remarks upon receiving the award at a reception celebrating the eighth annual National Clean Energy Week.

Grassley accepts 2024 Clean Energy Champion award from CRES President Heather Reams.

Download photos from the reception.

"Energy security demands an all-the-above approach that taps innovators right here at home. Not to mention, diversifying our renewable energy portfolio supports good jobs and eases the pocketbook pinch for consumers," Grassley said. "I've long championed legislation to build out our wind energy infrastructure, and I continue to be a fierce advocate for biofuels producers. It's an honor to receive this recognition - while the award acknowledges past efforts, you can bet it'll help fuel my future work, too."

"As a vocal advocate for wind energy, biofuels and innovation, Senator Grassley has been a trailblazer for clean energy in Iowa and across the country - recognizing that American-made energy not only reduces global emissions but strengthens our economy," said CRES President Heather Reams. "His work to promote clean energy is why CRES is proud to honor Senator Grassley as a 2024 CRES Clean Energy Champion."


Iowa's renewable energy industry directly employs over 13,000 Iowans and has garnered roughly $25 billion in private investment. Grassley's work to connect Iowa's rural and agricultural communities with clean energy opportunities spans decades.

Wind: Grassley in 1993 shepherded into law the first-ever wind energy tax credit. His leadership served as a catalyst for farmers to harvest wind, creating new revenue streams for Iowans and expanding energy sources. Today, wind energy powers approximately 62 percent of Iowa's net electricity generation, the highest of any state. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently announced the industry is driving job growth nationwide.

Biofuels: Grassley spearheaded key portions of the 2003 Energy Bill, which contained nearly $15.5 billion in tax incentives for Iowa energy. Two years later, he helped establish the Renewable Fuel Standard through the Energy Policy Act of 2005; he frequently conducts oversight to ensure the executive branch implements the law as intended. As a lifelong corn and soybean farmer, Grassley is quick to tout the geopolitical, economic and environmental benefits of embracing grain feedstocks. Learn more about his actions this Congress to expand markets for producers HERE.

Solar: Grassley has sought solutions to ensure the U.S. continues to develop solar energy infrastructure, while simultaneously preserving land stewardship.


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