European Parliament

12/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

New pact for the Mediterranean

New pact for the Mediterranean


Question for written answer E-003050/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Leire Pajín (S&D), Sandra Gómez López (S&D), Javi López (S&D), Laura Ballarín Cereza (S&D), Nicolás González Casares (S&D)

The new commissioner for the Mediterranean has the mission of delivering a new pact for the Mediterranean. The new pact is expected to be comprehensive, covering, among other matters, economic stability and jobs in the area. However, the commissioner's mission charter covers neither the effects of pollution and climate change nor the requisite protection of fisheries resources, on which the survival of European fishers depends. We would therefore like to ask the Commission the following questions:

  • 1.Does the Commission think that the new Mediterranean pact should also include an environmental aspect in which the impact of pollution and climate change on fisheries resources is analysed?
  • 2.Can the Commission ensure that fishers' interests are properly provided for in the new pact for the Mediterranean?

Submitted: 19.12.2024