City of Akron, OH

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 13:17

City of Akron to Distribute Emergency Solutions Grant Program Funding for 2024

Akron, Ohio,Sept. 30, 2024 - Today, the City of Akron is bringing legislation to Akron City Council for the Emergency Solutions Grant Program. This funding is provided to the city through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support local emergency and transitional homeless shelters, stabilization and prevention services, and supportive services to homeless individuals and families. The city plans to distribute $567,670 this year to 8 local organizations.

"Supporting our local shelters and homeless resource providers is crucial and we're proud to bring in this legislation to help fund the important work of our partners," said Mayor Malik. "The need is great in our community, and Summit County's Continuum of Care and all our partner organizations are having to do a lot with a little when it comes to helping those most in need in our communities. Through the important work of these organizations and so many more, families and individuals are getting the support and resources they need to get back on their feet."

Funding is being distributed to:

  • Emergency shelters
    • ACCESS - Emergency Shelter - $200,000
    • Battered Women's Shelter - $22,500
    • Family Promise of Summit County - $12,000
    • Harmony House - $7,500
    • Shelter Care - Safe Landing - $10,000
  • Transitional Shelter
    • Legacy III, Inc. - $20,000
  • Street Outreach
    • The Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center (Akron AIDS Collaborative) - $7,500
  • Homeless Prevention/Rapid Re-Housing
    • United Way of Summit and Medina - Home Again Program - $243,170

The city will use $5,000 of the HUD funding for administrative needs for the homeless support services internally. The city is also planning to award Community Development and Block Grant (CDBG) funding to the United Way of Summit and Medina County for homeless management information system services in the amount of $40,000.

The city determines funding through an application process. Application information was sent to all organizations in the Continuum of Care. The city also held a community needs meeting in early July to provide an overview of current programs including the CDBG, HOME Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program and to hear comments and suggestions from the community about areas of need. The city also conducted a community needs assessment survey which garnered 137 submissions through the Akron Engage page.

The survey responses highlighted the importance of homeless facilities and shelters, homeless services for youth, and assistance finding homeless services. Respondents also focused on affordable housing and homelessness as being areas with the most significant need in Akron.