01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 09:09
News travels fast in a small town … especially when you're a volunteer firefighter and an insurance agent
"This summer more than 10,000 acres burned in our area. There were many times when I knew the fire was on land of one of our insured, I would call into the office and let Jenn know so she could begin getting the paperwork ready for our client," explained Harley Mollman, who works with his mom, Jenn Wickstrom, and his wife, Jenny, in the Buffalo Farmers Union Insurance Agency.
"We have had a lot of customers tell us, they appreciate us being proactive when catastrophic things like prairie fires happen," Mollman said. "My dad is a rancher. I understand the impact fire on grassland has on cattle producers. It impacts not only their life, but their livelihood."
Mollman enjoys caring for insurance clients because he grew up in Harding County. "Most of the families I work with every day I have known my entire life. And when you know people this well, there is an increased pressure to do your best to make sure when the worst happens their risks are covered."
To help make sure risks are covered, Mollman tries to do in-person renewal meetings each year.
"I love to sit down with clients and visit with them about their operations and just life in general. Sometimes I visit too much!"
In addition to the individuals he gets to serve as an insurance agent, Mollman said he appreciates Farmers Union Insurance because it allowed him to return to the place he loves.
After high school, Mollman pursued a business administration degree and played football for the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota.
After he got married, he said he and his wife, Jenny, knew they wanted to build their life together in Buffalo.
"I always wanted to be back here. I love this community. It is in the middle of nowhere, but there is something really special about this community and these people."
Contact: Harley Mollman