APCI - American Property Casualty Insurance Association

01/24/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2025 17:57

Utah Say No to HB 164: Having the Right of Way Does Not Mean You Can Hit People, Cars, or Other Objects

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - The American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) says the Utah State House Transportation Committee made the wrong decision when they voted unanimously to approve HB 164 today. This is a dangerous and confusing bill.

"Utah House Members should not give left hand turning drivers an absolute right of way and the authority to hit pedestrians or other cars that get into their way. All drivers have a duty to avoid hitting other cars, objects, or people when they have an opportunity to stop," said Lyn Elliott, APCIA vice president for state government relations. "Even if you have the right of way, every driver has the duty to maintain proper look out and control of their vehicle."

The 2024-2025 Utah Drivers Handbook pages 36 - 42 explains that if the driver turning left has an opportunity to avoid a collision with another vehicle or pedestrian, they are obligated to do so.

"HB 164 defies logic. Having the right of way does not mean you are not required to control your car or that you are entitled to hit things that get in your way," said Elliott. "Utah legislators must prioritize safety on our roads and stop this reckless bill."