University of Essex

09/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 08:18

Asuka Onishi: My start-up journey

MSc Psychology student Asuka participated in our first Essex Graduate Entrepreneurship Programme over the summer. After beginning her entrepreneurial journey alongside her friends at Tohoku University in Japan, she is receiving support from Essex Startups as she balances studying, an internship, and long-distance working with her co-founders to develop their business.

How it started…

I originally studied BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering back home in Japan. I was really interested in entrepreneurship and innovation so joined a TEDx society to learn more about building a business and develop a positive mindset. I made two close friends through this society who shared similar interests. We regularly hung out sharing ideas.

Our university was running a business competition for students, so we decided to enter with an AI and machine learning idea we'd had. We worked together on developing the business idea, researching the market, and putting together a pitch, viewing it as way to gain some practical experience. Upon pitching the idea during a funding campaign to encourage investment from the University's alumni network, we secured £3,500 worth of funding. It was at this point that the realisation hit us, people had confidence in our idea and were actively encouraging us to take it further. We knew it was too good an opportunity to waste.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I worked in marketing for a company using data analysis tools. Despite not have any marketing experience, I had a technical understanding of the software so learnt how to apply the marketing of the products on the job! The role provided me with the marketing insight needed for my own business, as well as the income I needed to fund the postgraduate course I wanted to pursue in the UK.

During my undergraduate degree I became particularly interested in visuospatial cognition in relation to urban design. To deepen my understanding, I decided to study Psychology at postgraduate level. I had spent some time living in the UK as a child, so knew I wanted to study here to re-familiarise myself with the culture. When researching universities, Essex stood out for its diverse population of international students and stunning campus. After making enquires and some having some positive interactions with staff, it felt like the best fit for me.

The business…

CSpace is an AI-powered cloud platform that analyses carbon emissions data, providing environmental impact information for the manufacturing process. By having the relevant insight, companies can explore solutions to reduce harmful emissions during the creation of their products supporting their sustainability goals and boosting Corporate Social Responsibility reporting.

How it's going…

I complete my Masters this year, so am busily working on my dissertation ahead of the submission deadline in the autumn. I am also currently working as a marketing and social media intern at a town planning consultancy. My co-founders for the business are based in Japan, so any meetings or collaborative working must accommodate work schedules and time zone differences. It has taken a lot of coordination, but we have found a way to remain productive and achieve set goals.

I really value my co-founders and genuinely enjoy the process of what we're working to create. We share an ambitious spirit and relish the challenges, so although there is a lot to juggle it doesn't really feel like hard work.

Essex Startups originally came to my attention after some friends participated in the iTeams programme. Having experienced a similar provision at my university in Japan, I began attending the networking events to find out more about the team and what they could offer. I have been receiving 1:1 mentoring with the team, which has helped us to objectively reassess our business plans and marketing strategies for the longer term. The feedback and ongoing support will be of huge benefit upon returning home after graduation and preparing to register our business with the relevant IP protections.

I was invited to take part in the Essex Startups Graduate Entrepreneurship Programme over the summer, offered to recent and soon-to-be graduates. This was a great opportunity for me to understand the basics of establishing a business, shaping our ideas, and managing finances. All the sessions took place online and were held during the evening, which was convenient for me. Each session incorporated interactive activities and collaborative working, allowing us to apply the learning to real-world scenarios. I really enjoyed the experience and was grateful to receive £1,500 in funding for the business when I pitched at the end of the programme.

What's next…

We have been testing prototypes of the platform with a construction company in Japan, who have provided funding and were keen to collaborate with us. As sustainability legislation increasingly impacts the construction industry and places restrictions on exporting certain products, this market felt like the most natural partnership for this preliminary stage of the business.

Our focus at the moment is to perfect our product and create a service package that meets market needs. We are determined not to rush the process and make the most of the ever-changing landscape of AI and machine learning. We hope to launch the business in Japan in the next two years, giving us the time to develop the product further and raise further capital.

Words of wisdom…

For me, there are two types of entrepreneur - those who focus on financial gain and seek an idea to achieve their goals, and those who happen to have a good idea and want to pursue it to contribute to society. The latter is true of my journey and my personal values. It's easy to have an idea, the effort comes when you break that idea down to find the ways it can be delivered to make a difference in the market. This takes time, commitment, and focus, but I believe that the foundations you establish through this process provide more opportunities for personal growth and business success for the longer term.

Networking is key. By putting yourself out there and sharing your ideas you can make meaningful connections with people that can help you to shape those ideas and contribute to your personal and professional development.

Find out more

If you have a potential business idea, or are interested in developing your business skills, find out more about the training, events and support Essex Startups offers to current students and recent graduates.