FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

01/28/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/29/2025 00:01

How to Create a FEMA Online Account

Release Number:
FS 008
Release Date:
January 28, 2025

When applying for disaster assistance, it is crucial that applicants be able to track their request and upload documents through FEMA's online system. To do this, applicants must create an online account.

If you have not applied for assistance and would like to apply online:

  • Go to disasterassistance.gov on a computer, phone, or tablet.
  • Select apply now.
    • You will be required to provide information such as your phone number, mailing address, email address, address of the damaged dwelling, social security number, insurance information, and banking information if you would like eligible funds to be direct deposited.
  • Follow the prompts and begin filling out your registration.
  • The registration will prompt you to create an online account through Login.gov.
  • Read through the privacy act and accept the terms at the bottom.
  • Click "Sign in or Create an Account"
  • When you are taken to the Login.gov website, either sign in with your email and password or click the button at the top that says, "Create an Account."
  • Follow the prompts to create your password and complete the process.
  • Once your account is created it will link to disasterassistance.gov and your current application.

If you have applied for assistance at a Disaster Recovery Center, or via the phone:

  • Go to disasterassistance.gov on a computer, phone, or tablet.
  • Select the blue check status button underneath the photo on the main page.
  • If you do not have an account already, click the button that says, "Create an Account."
    • Ensure that you use the same email which you registered with.
  • Follow the prompts to create your password and complete the process.
  • Once your account is created, please wait 24 hours for your application to link with the new account.
  • After 24 hours, go back to disasterassistance.gov and select the blue check status button.
  • Log in with the information for the account you created.