City of Long Beach, CA

10/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/23/2024 14:31

Fright Night Done Right: City of Long Beach Offers Tips for a Safe Halloween


City of Long Beach
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90802

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress Release # 102324-2
Fright Night Done Right: City of Long Beach Offers Tips for a Safe Halloween
City of Long Beach Office of Public Affairs and Communications
[email protected]

Long Beach, CA - As Halloween creeps closer, the City of Long Beach reminds trick-or-treaters and all Halloween revelers to celebrate safely this Thursday, Oct. 31. Ensure your holiday is a howling success with the below tips to avoid potential unwelcome hazards this Halloween.

Trick-or-Treat Safety
Halloween is a fun time of year for kids and kids at heart, and trick-or-treating is a beloved pastime of Halloween fun. Before and during trick-or-treating, parents and caregivers with children should be mindful of the following:

  • Don't Go Alone. Trick-or-treaters, especially young ones, should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver on Halloween night. Everyone, including adults, are also safest in groups. Someone in each group should have a cellphone, in case of emergency. Never go into a stranger's house or get into a stranger's car.
  • Designate a Route. Before Halloween, decide where to trick-or-treat and set a course that is familiar and well lit. Walk, do not run, from house to house, look both ways before crossing the street and use traffic signals and crosswalks.
  • Inspect Before You Ingest. All candies should be inspected by a trusted adult before consumption. Trick-or-treaters should not accept anything that isn't commercially wrapped, and should check for signs of tampering, such as discoloration, tiny pinholes or tears in the wrapping. If suspicious, immediately remove it from the trick-or-treater's bag and throw away.
  • Allergy Alert. Many popular Halloween treats contain common allergens, including nuts, milk, egg, soy and wheat. Trick-or-treaters should bring necessary medications with them in case of an emergency and should not eat anything before a trusted adult has checked the label.
  • Choking Hazards. Parents and caregivers of children, especially young ones, should be mindful of potential choking hazards and should immediately remove items like gum, peanuts, hard candies or small toys from the Halloween bags.

Injury Prevention
With other Halloween traditions like pumpkin carving, parties, costumes and decorations, it's important to take safety precautions to avoid slips, falls and other injuries that could get in the way of the ghoulish festivities. Things to keep in mind:

  • Costume Care. Use caution with long or sharp costume accessories (such as prop swords or canes), and tread carefully in bulky costumes or costumes with long trailing fabric that can be a tripping or fire hazard.
  • Can You See? Many Halloween costumes include masks or makeup that could reduce one's visibility, especially at night. Consider bringing a flashlight and glow sticks to help light the way and use reflective tape on costumes and/or accessories to be more visible to others.
  • Carve Carefully. Jack-o'-lanterns are a Halloween tradition, but sharp knives and other carving tools can cause serious injuries and should never be used by children without adult supervision.
  • Candles Out. Accidental residential fires increase every year during the holiday season, which starts with Halloween. Instead of using an open-flame candle inside jack-o-lanterns or in other decorations, use battery-operated candles or glow sticks.
  • Keep Clear. Keep fire exits clear of decorations so that there is always a clear pathway out in case of an emergency. Now is a good time of year to test smoke alarms beforehand to make sure they are properly working.
  • Might Bite. Be cautious of dogs or other animals on the loose and keep all pets indoors (and away from the Halloween candy).

Travel Safety
Halloween night can be especially dangerous on the roads. Here are some safety tips for all commuters who are planning to be out and about on Halloween night:

  • See Me? When traveling outdoors on foot, by bike or other alternative modes of transportation, add reflective tape to costumes or outfits so that drivers and others can easily see you. Always be aware - or beware - of your surroundings and plan your route in advance. Walk on sidewalks, when available, take extra precaution at intersections and driveways, and avoid darting into the street or crossing between parked cars.
  • Look First. Always look both ways before crossing the street, make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them and obey all traffic signals. Pedestrians should use designated sidewalks and crosswalks, and trick-or-treaters should walk, not run, from door-to-door. It is safest not to take shortcuts through dark parks or alleyways.
  • Drivers Beware. Drivers out on Halloween night need to be patient with trick-or-treaters, slow down and be on alert. With more foot traffic in residential neighborhoods, drivers need to take extra time looking for pedestrians at intersections and driveways. Drivers should always avoid texting and using a cellphone while driving.
  • Boo Booze. Halloween celebrations often include alcohol consumption, which can increase a person's risk of injury or death from accidental falls, burns, drownings, alcohol poisoning and other hazards. Consider the non-alcoholic witches' brew.
  • Don't DUI. Remember that driving under the influence is more than drunk driving: it includes cannabis and some prescription and over-the-counter drugs, in addition to illegal drugs. Plan by designating a sober driver, using a rideshare service or public transit, staying the night at your destination, or just stay home. The Long Beach Police Department will have increased resources and saturation patrol to ensure safety within the community.
  • Curfew Reminder. The law in Long Beach prohibits anyone 17-years-old or younger from being out past 10 p.m. without a parent/guardian, unless going to or returning home from work or an organized event supervised by an adult, without any detour or stop.

By following the above Celebrate Safely tips, everyone is sure to have a frightfully fun and safe Halloween.

Media inquiries may be directed to the City of Long Beach Office of Public Affairs and Communications at [email protected].

About the Celebrate Safely Campaign
The City of Long Beach launched the Celebrate Safely campaign in 2019 to provide information, resources and ongoing safety messaging for the Fourth of July holiday, in addition to several other holidays where fireworks are often used. The campaign has since served as an ongoing platform to educate community members about the importance of participating in safe, family friendly activities for holidays throughout the year.

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