Amalgamated Transit Union

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 06:44

JTRAN Workers Ratify a Tentative Agreement with MV Transportation Ending 14-Day Strike

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JTRAN Workers Ratify a Tentative Agreement with MV Transportation Ending 14-Day Strike

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Jackson, MS - After a unified and strong 14-day strike, JTRAN workers ratify a tentative agreement with contractor MV Transportation that meets the Union's demands for fair pay, job security, safety improvements, and strong benefits.

After months of fruitless negotiations between JTRAN workers Union, ATU Local 1208-Jackson, MS, and MV, the workers went on strike on September 4 because of the unfair treatment, job security, safety on the job, and disrespect by the company. Local 1208 was able to win a contract that addressed the Union's key priorities and concerns.

"Our members stood strong and united throughout this process. MV tried to divide us," said Local 1208 President/Business Agent Charles Tornes, Jr. "This strike shows that our members are willing to lay it all on the line for justice. I want to thank our riders, elected officials, and all our allies for coming out and standing with us."

Last week, ATU International President John Costa traveled to Jackson to join the strikers on the picket lines to put pressure on MV to settle this contract. In an effort to help end the strike, Costa also met with Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Jackson City Attorney Drew Martin, and staff. They discussed the unfair treatment of our members and urged the Mayor to ask MV to honor our contract.

"I am proud of our JTRAN members who were willing to go to the mat to fight for their contract and a better transit system for their riders. On the picket lines, I saw firsthand their strength, unity, and solidarity," said Costa. "I want to thank Mayor Lumumba for his efforts to get this deal for our members and the riders who rely on JTRAN. Our members are frontline heroes and can now get back to the job of keeping Jackson moving safely and reliably. It was an honor to hold the line with you. We are 'Stronger Together!'"