League of California Cities Inc.

09/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/29/2024 19:31

Cities disappointed in Governor’s signature of warehouse setback bill

Kayla Sherwood, 530-844-1744, [email protected]

Sacramento, CA - The League of California Cities today issued the following statements in response to news that Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 98 (Carrillo, Juan and Reyes). AB 98 will impose sweeping, costly statewide mandates on all cities and counties on where industrial warehouses can be located and how they must operate.

"We are disappointed that the Governor still signed this flawed legislation after hearing the concerns of more than 700 city officials, business leaders, and environmental justice groups," said League of California Cities Executive Director and CEO Carolyn Coleman. "It was jammed through the Legislature at the 11th hour after weeks of closed-door negotiations that shut out local governments and other stakeholders from the policymaking process. Cities deserved a voice in this process. Cal Cities will be advocating for a more transparent and inclusive process next session that addresses our concerns."

"Hundreds of individuals whose communities will be impacted by AB 98 - including city officials - urged the Governor to veto this costly, burdensome bill, because our concerns were never heard or addressed in the process," said League of California Cities President Daniel Parra. "AB 98 is a massive unfunded mandate that will harm our cities, stifle job growth, and threaten the economic lifeblood of communities throughout California. We are committed to finding a fix to this harmful bill in next year's legislative session."

Cal Cities hosted a media event earlier this month warning the Governor of the detrimental impacts this bill will have on California communities. More information about the bill's impacts can be found in the event's press release.

Established in 1898, the League of California Cities is a nonprofit statewide association that advocates for cities with the state and federal governments and provides education and training services to elected and appointed city officials.
