12/28/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/28/2024 09:32
In January, an unscheduled collection of holiday trees will be made as crew time and weather permit, if not snow-covered or frozen to the ground.
Before setting out any evergreen tree or boughs, please verify that it doesn't have Elongate Hemlock Scale (see DATCP.wi.gov for info and photos). Help to protect Wisconsin as a significant holiday tree producer by checking evergreens for hard brown waxy spots on the underside of needles. The insect can reportedly survive winter weather, composting, and pesticides, allowing the insects to spread to other hemlock, spruce, and fir trees. If you notice the disease, please place those evergreen materials in a plastic bag, label the bag "invasive species", and place it in your refuse (brown) cart. Labeling the bag is just in case it breaks open so that the driver will know to collect the material and not reject it.
For trees not infected with EHS, before setting them curbside, please remember to:
Wreaths should be discarded in your brown trash cart. The wire holding boughs together cannot be chipped or mulched. Alternatively, residents may take their wreaths apart, recycle the metal, and set out the wood twigs for yard waste collection in spring.
Remember that you may drop off indoor & outdoor holiday lights for recycling at no cost through January at:
Read more at - https://www.cityofmiddleton.us/784/Holiday-Greenery-and-Lights