NCRC - National Community Reinvestment Coalition Inc.

02/01/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/01/2025 09:22

NCRC Statement On Firing Of CFPB Dir. Rohit Chopra

In response to President Trump's decision to fire Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) released the following statement from NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol:

" Rohit Chopra delivered for the American people time and time again. He put a spotlight on predatory junk fees across the financial services industry, pushed for common-sense rules to protect small business owners, raised the agency's ambitions on enforcement activity and reestablished the CFPB's commitment to safeguarding our wallets after four years of backward drift.

"Under Director Chopra, the CFPB was everything Congress designed it to be. He lived up to the clear mandates of settled law. His team demonstrated how right lawmakers were to create this independent and focused watchdog, all while riding out predictable and cynical lawsuits from industry that failed to trick judges into dismantling what Congress had built.

"The next head of the CFPB should take after the example their predecessor set. There will always be an unscrupulous subset of financial industry actors who think like wolves and view the rest of us as sheep. The economy needs a vigilant shepherd standing between us and them."