City of Gresham, OR

12/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/26/2024 09:37

Project complete: Gresham's solar Panel project creates clean energy and cuts costs

The City of Gresham is pleased to announce the completion of the solar panel project. In September, Gresham began construction to install a solar array on the roof of the public safety building. The system is designed to produce 250,000 kWh per year, which is more than 45% of the electricity the public safety building uses.

"This project is significant for many reasons," said Gresham Mayor Travis Stovall. "Not only is it a remarkable step towards reducing Gresham's greenhouse gas emissions but also demonstrates our commitment to reducing expenses and stretching our budget further."

Thanks to the grants and support from Portland General Electric (PGE) and the Energy Trust of Oregon, the panels will pay for themselves by 2027, creating free electricity and saving the City over one million dollars over the lifetime of the panels.

This project was made possible by customers participating in PGE's Green Future℠ program through the PGE Renewable Development Fund.