UTSA - The University of Texas at San Antonio

01/31/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 02/01/2025 04:19

UTSA students are encouraged to use well-being resources

JANUARY 31, 2025 - Editor's Note: This message was sent via email from S enior Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students LT Robinson to all students.

The Spring semester has begun and whether you are a new or returning student, I hope that you find our student experience supportive and engaging. We are here to support you. Here's some helpful information about resources at UTSA that support your well-being, provide advocacy and help you get involved on campus.


We care about your well-being. It's important to prioritize your self-care and utilize the support structures available that best suit your needs. Download the Timely Care app for 24/7 mental health support through text or video or visit the UT Health Wellness 360 Health and Counseling clinics to meet with a member of our team. The Crisis Helpline is available day or night at 210-458-4140.

We are committed to increasing student wellbeing. The Enhancing Wellbeing Initiative team will host student listening sessions again this semester. Please join us to share your experiences and ideas and help shape the future of well-being resources and services at UTSA.

In addition to the listening sessions, UTSA is also participating in a Wellbeing Improvement Survey (WISHES) to collect student feedback. Watch for your email invitation to participate in the WISHES survey.


Advocacy services are available if you experience barriers to your success. Student Assistance Services provides guidance, support and referrals to help you navigate college life, institutional processes and academic concerns. Additional services include support for survivors, recovery assistance, parenting resources and the Roadrunner Pantry. Our team is here to support you at every step of your academic journey.

Get Involved

Getting connected to student organizations and events that match your interests is a great way to meet new friends and build skills. Log in to RowdyLink with your UTSA ID to see event information and connect directly with student organizations. The Student Involvement Center team can support you in determining your next steps. Also, explore the Student Union and Campus Recreation facilities to stay connected on campus and make friends. Whether you are planning to level up your involvement and leadership this semester or are just getting started, we are invested in your success.

Take advantage of the programs and services designed to support you. UTSA is a vibrant community full of dedicated students, faculty and staff focused on student success and I am glad that you are here. We welcome feedback and suggestions as we work together to keep our community strong.