
City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department

01/23/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2025 12:28

EMD... Vigilant, Committed, Heartbroken

Posted on 01/23/2025

Dear Angelenos - neighbors and friends,

Over the past weeks, while the firestorm raged - and now as repopulation and recovery efforts continue - your City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department (EMD) has been and continues to be vigilant.

Whether the weather remains fair or turns foul again or the crisis comes with some warning or none, these are the events that EMD trains for, reacts to, and continuously learns from to better serve LA City's residents and businesses.

While readiness is our everyday collective duty, EMD could not have been prepared for how our team's "heart" is now broken on behalf of those who have died, lost much, or lost all. We are, however, here to help in every way possible.

With this latest tragic firestorm affecting many thousands of Angeleno families, EMD management and its entire staff are doubling down on our commitment to serve. We will continue to work tirelessly to help Angelenos prepare for disasters, continue to support first responders through the present crisis, and to help manage recovery efforts being undertaken in the coming months.

Before, during, and after emergencies like January's firestorm, we work to provide non-stop verified information, timely warnings, and now - recovery resources.

Please visit our website for continuously updated information - on this and every local disaster, at - find all-hazard emergency preparedness info at and also follow EMD on social media @ReadyLA.