01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 08:30
DATE: Friday, January 31, 2025
CONTACT: Meghan Barwick, Public Information Officer
Telephone: (229) 671-2491
Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581
Lowndes County, Georgia: House Bill 581 was authorized by a 2024 constitutional amendment aimed at creating a floating statewide homestead exemption that limits increases in taxable home values to the prior year's inflation rate.
The legislation recognizes that local governments and school systems in Georgia are structured differently with regards to revenues required to provide services. Each is provided the option either to remain a part of the new homestead exemption or to opt out of the exemption. The very nature of the process and the ballot language presented provides for local elected officials to evaluate local processes to determine the best option for the citizens that they serve. If a local government chooses to "opt out", it can be opted back in by a new homestead exemption implemented in the future. However, if a local government remains "in", there is not an option in the statute to opt back out in the event of changed circumstances or unintended consequences.
Local government officials are elected to govern locally. If a local government or school system stays in, House Bill 581 would erode the ability of local elected officials to represent taxpayers by narrowing options for making the best and most efficient allocation of revenues as tax dollars are returned to citizens through services each budget year.
Current considerations for Lowndes County include the following:
House Bill 581 will not have the same consequences for every city, county, and school system across the state. Some local governments and school systems in Georgia may stay in or opt out partly due to other local exemptions that provide relief to property owners.
Lowndes County is sensitive to rising property assessments. Those 65 and older may be financially vulnerable due to increases in the cost of living to include rising property values. "Lowndes County is committed to working with other local governments and the school systems in our community to explore an even more meaningful senior exemption," stated Chairman Bill Slaughter. "An increased senior exemption will provide an immediate benefit without significantly shifting a portion of taxes to non-homestead parcels," Slaughter added.
In accordance with guidelines set forth by House Bill 581, Lowndes County will hold three public hearings as follows:
All hearings will be held in the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners Meeting Chambers, second floor, 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia 31601.