New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities

02/01/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/01/2025 10:06

A Message from Acting Commissioner Willow Baer

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Many people have raised concerns about the current federal administration's plans to cut funding for programs and services that New Yorkers rely on and the potential impact for the developmental disabilities' sector.

OPWDD shares your concerns and is closely monitoring these announcements to identify any changes that could affect our programs and services. No changes have occurred yet which will impact funding for OPWDD programs. While I know that information is circulating fast, you should know that under Governor Hochul's leadership, New York State is working with the NYS Attorney General to ensure that all monies due to our state are delivered as promised.

You may have heard about a freeze on certain federal grants, loans, and aid. After two days of confusion across the country and several lawsuits, including one led by New York State, an order was issued by the Chief Judge of the District of Rhode Island prohibiting the federal government from interfering with such financial assistance to the States until a hearing can be held. In short, legal efforts to prevent the federal government from freezing funds have been successful so far.

The Governor shares our commitment to maintaining quality services for people with developmental disabilities in the state of NY. We will do our best to keep you updated as we receive information from the federal government.


Willow Baer
Acting Commissioner