UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 04:28

A New Dawn: Historic Bill paves way for Malawi’s National Arts and Heritage Council

On 13 September 2024, Malawi celebrated a monumental milestone in the cultural and creative sector with the passing of the National Arts and Heritage Bill by Parliament. For the first time in the country's history, the arts and heritage sectors will have a comprehensive legislative framework that recognizes their significance as vital contributors to the national economy and cultural identity. The passing of this Bill signals a profound shift in how the arts and heritage are valued in Malawi, moving beyond informal support structures to an official, government-backed system. This landmark achievement, nearly a decade in the making, marks the beginning of a new era for Malawi's vibrant arts and heritage landscape.

At the heart of the legislation is the establishment of the National Arts and Heritage Council of Malawi (NAHEC), a long-anticipated institution tasked with guiding and promoting the country's creative industries and safeguarding of heritage. With the mandate to organize and regulate the arts and heritage sectors, NAHEC will now serve as a beacon of hope for artists, cultural practitioners, and heritage conservationists, providing them with a structured and supportive framework to thrive.

This is a game-changer for our creative industry. The passing of this Bill was long overdue, and it ushers in a new phase of innovation, preservation, and growth for our rich cultural heritage.

Minister of Local Government, Unity, and Culture, Richard Chimwendo Banda.

The Bill also introduces the National Arts and Heritage Promotion Fund, which will inject much-needed financial support into the sector. The fund is a pivotal tool, designed to foster innovation, enhance cultural preservation, and encourage the growth of Malawi's artistic talent. With the establishment of this fund, artists, heritage stakeholders, and event organizers will now have access to resources that can drive sustainable growth and international competitiveness.

culture in malawi

Creatives across the country hailed the passing of the Bill as a breath of fresh air for the sector. The Musicians Union of Malawi (MUM) and the Film Association of Malawi (FAMA) were among the first to express their excitement about the long-awaited legislative support.

MUM President Vita Chirwa highlighted how the absence of a formal body had held the industry back.

The creative industry has for a long time lacked a formal and structured body to oversee and promote its development. NAHEC will be pivotal in creating policies that support the growth of the creative industries. It will contribute to job creation, tourism, and the preservation of our cultural heritage.

Musicians Union of Malawi (MUM) President, Vita Chirwa.

Chirwa also pointed to the Bill's financial provisions as a lifeline for creatives.

The provisions will ensure that there is financial support for artists to carry out projects and initiatives, training, exchange programs, and promotion of arts with government backing.

Noted Mr Chirwa

FAMA Vice-President Ashukile Mwakisulu echoed this optimism, particularly for the film industry.

Resource mobilization has been one of the biggest challenges filmmakers face in Malawi. With this piece of legislation in place, filmmakers will be eligible for grants that will help them acquire the right equipment to produce good quality material, enhancing production.

said Mwakisulu

A key aspect of the new legislation is its provision of a regulatory framework for artistic and cultural events. By ensuring clear guidelines and standards, the Bill guarantees that the sector is well-organized, professionalized, and aligned with national and international best practices.

Speaking on the significance of the Bill, Humphrey Mpondaminga, Director of Arts in the Department of Arts in the Ministry of Local Government, Unity, and Culture, emphasized its transformative role.

The Bill aims to establish NAHEC as a leading agency for the government to facilitate programs for the creative industry. We have instruments in place to establish structures such as the National Arts and Heritage Promotion Fund, which will enable the government to mobilize resources to support creatives.

Mpondaminga said.

He added that the Bill seeks to develop arts and culture at the grassroots level, ensuring inclusive participation across the nation.

We are looking at the formation of district arts and heritage committees under local authorities to make sure creativity flourishes in our communities. The Bill also aims to generate income for the sector and contribute to the national economy.

Mpondaminga noted.

The journey to this milestone has been a labour of love and dedication. Drafted initially in 2015, the Bill underwent rigorous revisions, particularly in 2021, with the support of the "Strengthening Institutional Capacities in Implementing the Malawi Cultural Policy in Line with the 2005 Convention" project. This effort, led by the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa in collaboration with the Malawi National Commission of UNESCO and the support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Malawi.

art in malawi

For many in the sector, this moment signifies not just the passage of a law but the culmination of years of collaboration, lobbying, and unyielding belief in the transformative power of culture. Peer-to-peer learning exchanges with countries like Zimbabwe, where similar heritage and arts legislation had been successfully implemented, were integral to shaping the final draft. Now, Malawi stands poised to take its rightful place on the global stage, with a creative industry that is vibrant, resilient, and well-supported.

As the ink dries on this historic Bill, artists, heritage custodians, and cultural advocates across Malawi are preparing for the dawn of a new chapter-one filled with promise, innovation, and a renewed commitment to safeguarding the nation's cultural treasures for generations to come.