City of Hollywood, FL

01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 08:48

Construction to begin at Keating Park

Construction for the renovation of Keating Park and the new dog park is anticipated to begin on Monday, February 3, 2025.

Please be advised that:

  • Keating Park and public restrooms will be CLOSED for the duration of construction.
  • Keating Park public restrooms will NOT be available during construction.
  • The public parking lot will be OPEN during the park's renovation.
  • Pedestrian access to the beach will be through Magnolia Terrace; access mats will be placed on the sandy portion of Magnolia Terrace south of the park and north/south adjacent to the shower on the beach.
  • Construction is anticipated to be completed in August 2025.

The Project will include renovating the existing restroom facility, structural renovations, and the creation of a new Dog Park.

For more information, please contact the CRA Office at 954-924-2980.

You can also visit this website Coastal Resiliency Phase IV Undergrounding and Streetscaping | Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency , FL.