Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

09/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 06:47

Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias Attends Launching Ceremony of Frigate “NEARCHOS” in Lorient, France

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Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias Attends Launching Ceremony of Frigate "NEARCHOS" in Lorient, France

September 20, 2024


On Thursday, 19 September 2024, the Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendiasattended the launching ceremony of Frigate "NEARCHOS", which took place at the "Naval Group" facilities in Lorient, France.

The Minister was accompanied by the Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Dimitrios Choupis, and the Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral Dimitrios - Eleftherios KatarasHN.

Mr. Dendias's visit started with his official welcome by the Deputy Prefect of Lorient, Florence Bessy, at "Lann-Bihoué" Air Base. Subsequently, he went to the France Naval Detachment, where he attended a detailed briefing by its Commander, Captain Christos MichalitsisHN, on the works completion schedule of Frigate F-601 "KIMON", the progress of works on Frigate F-602 "NEARCHOS", as well as the schedule of works for Frigate F-603 "FORMION".

The Minister of National Defence then went to the "Naval Group" facilities, where he attended the launching ceremony of the second "Belh@rra" type frigate to reinforce the Hellenic Fleet's surface forces. The ceremony was also attended by the Greek Ambassador to France Dimitrios Zevelakis, the CEO of Hellenic Shipyards SA and former Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, French MPs, other representatives of the domestic shipbuilding industry and defence materiel manufacture companies, local government of Lorient officials, Defence Attachés, etc.

Addresses were given by the CEO of "Naval Group" Pierre-Eric Pommelet, the Director of International Development of the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) Gael Diaz de Tuesta, and the representative of the French Navy, Admiral François Moreau.

In his address, Mr. Dendias stressed the following:

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honour and joy to be here in Lorient at the "Naval Group" facilities. This is the third time in a year, for the launching of the second state-of-the-art frigate for the Hellenic Navy, Frigate "NEARCHOS".

Frigate "NEARCHOS" constitutes a turning point, a significant development for our country's Navy. It is an important step for the implementation of the Agenda "2030". It confirms the absolute will and adherence of the Mitsotakis government to the reinforcement of our National Defence and I believe it serves the steadfast commitment of the entire political system and society of the Hellenic Republic to protect our national sovereignty and security of the Greek people.

With "NEARCHOS", we strengthen our presence in the Eastern Mediterranean, we protect our country's borders, but we also protect the borders of our greater home, our European family. And we do this without challenging the legal rights of other countries, always abiding by the rules of International Law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. And all this on the basis of the protection of our common European values, for the Europe of peace, Democracy, human rights, and individual freedoms.

We hope and we believe that these European values will become global values and will be shared by all countries in our broader region.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Regarding the relationship between the French Republic and Greece, it is long-standing and is based on these common values and goals, on the achievement of Security.

The Strategic Partnership Agreement for Cooperation in Defence and Security, which I had the honour of signing as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2021 with my then French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian, confirms this relationship.

Allow me a small personal reference. Early this morning I tried hard to find the tie he gifted me when we signed this Agreement.

The Agreement includes a mutual defence assistance clause and fortifies our country and Europe against any external threats. It is a pillar of European defence policy, a pillar of the Defence Arm that the European Union tries to build.

Frigate "NEARCHOS" is the second new naval platform of a multifaceted armament programme of the Hellenic Republic. The FDI frigate programme was created during the tenure of my dear friend, Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos.

The Programme has now entered the next stage. As amended, it constitutes a significant part of the Agenda "2030" and today, here in Lorient, I have the pleasure to announce Greece's intent to begin negotiations for the acquisition of a fourth FDI frigate to be added to "KIMON", "NEARCHOS", and "FORMION", further strengthening our Hellenic Navy.

Another element of power are the new advanced strategic weapons of our new frigates. Frigate "NEARCHOS", like "FORMION" and the fourth frigate, will incorporate further technologies that provide new capabilities, because part of our negotiation will be for these frigates to carry the SCALP NAVAL strategic missile, perhaps the most advanced cruise missile, capable of accurately striking targets of strategic importance at ranges over one thousand km.

These additions have been included in the 12-year Long-Term Defence Armaments Programme, which was presented to the Prime Minister and will soon be brought to the competent Committee of the Hellenic Parliament and presented to the Governmental National Security Council for adoption. The 12-year Long-Term Defence Armaments Programme is accompanied by a 20-year horizon provision, I think for the first time in the history of the Hellenic Republic. This programme will allow our country to respond to any challenge that may arise.

With the four "Belh@rra" frigate construction programme, with the modernisation programmes for MEKO frigates, "Roussen" fact attack craft, and our submarines (whose implementation will soon start in Greece), with the acquisition of the four "Island" patrol boats (which will soon become part of our Fleet), with the future participation of our country to the design of the new "Constellation" frigate, with our participation in the European Patrol Corvette programme, with the launch of negotiations for the acquisition of four new submarines, with the creation of an impregnable surface missile wall in the Aegean, with the promotion of a series of smaller, but of great operational value, programmes, we believe that we will create a new reality.

I would also like to say that this new reality is absolutely within the fiscal limits of our country, showing total respect to the last Euro of the Greek taxpayer and the Greek society. Thus, we will strengthen Greece's role as a pillar of stability, contributing to the protection of our national interests, ensuring - as I said before - the protection of national and European sea borders, as well as free shipping, as proven by our leading role in Operation "ASPIDES".

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have said many times before that Greece's goal is to no longer simply buy weapons off the shelf, but to participate to a great extent to the co-production of the weapon systems it procures and uses.

The participation of the Hellenic defence industry in the construction of our frigates is a matter of great important and 25 contracts have already been signed by the FDI Programme with Greek companies. I set, as a first goal, to increase the Hellenic participation percentage in this programme from 12% to 15% with the acquisition of the fourth frigate, because this constitutes an important goal for the Hellenic Republic.

It is also a goal to promote innovation, to reinforce the Greek economy, to promote employment.

I would also like to say that cooperation with French companies and especially NAVAL GROUP is not an occasional, short-term cooperation. Our intent is for it to develop into a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship to include the Hellenic Innovation Centre which we recently established. We believe that this will open up new horizons and create new initiatives for Greece and France together - as you know we are preparing the first Greece - France Innovation Symposium in Athens.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today's launching ceremony is not a typical ceremony. I confirms our ability to project power, confirms our position as a reliable ally, a strong player in the Eastern Mediterranean.

I would like to thank the personnel of our country's Navy, the Armed Forces personnel, our partners here in France, NAVAL GROUP for their focus and professionalism in this effort. Your contribution is what makes this day unique.

Mr. President and CEO, I would like to thank you and your staff for the excellent organisation of today's important event. Such days highlight the strong strategic partnership between France and Greece. To the benefit of peace, stability, and our common European security.

Thank you".

After the ceremony, the President and CEO of NAVAL GROUP accompanied the Minister of National Defence aboard the launched Frigate "NEARCHOS" for a short tour and briefing.

Mr. Dendias then made the following statement:

"We welcome the arrival of our new frigate, "NEARCHOS". It is a very important event for our Hellenic Navy and our country's Armed Forces and constitutes confirmation of our adherence to the reinforcement of our National Defence and the fortification of our country.

The frigate is the second naval unit of a critical armament programme launched during the tenure of my dear friend and fellow student, Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos.

This programme has been expanded. I had the pleasure today, having received the approval of the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, to announce Greece's intent to begin negotiations for the acquisition of a fourth frigate of the same type. As well as another important element, the beginning of negotiations for the second, third, and fourth frigate to constitute strategic weapons, i.e. to be capable of carrying the SCALP NAVAL strategic missile.

These actions constitute part of the "Agenda 2030", the broader plan for our national defence, and the crews of our frigates are already training in Greece and France.

The purpose of the "Agenda 2030", as you know, is the protection of our national sovereignty and sovereign rights, as well as in general the protection of the European single space and the European values we serve. Democracy, Freedom, protection of Human Rights, freedom of Speech.

We will have a lot to talk about within the framework of the "Agenda 2030", since we will soon present the ten-year armaments programme and the 20-year horizon to the competent Committee of the Hellenic Parliament and then I will bring it to the Governmental National Security Council for approval.

I would like to day that the goal is single, great, common, and supported by the entire Greek society. It is for this society and this people we all work for. Today is a joyous day.

Thank you very much."

After the launching, Mr. Dendias went aboard Frigate F-601 "KIMON" to inspect the progress of the construction works.