National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

09/21/2024 | News release | Archived content

Alen Simonyan’s congratulatory message on 33rd Anniversary of RA Independence

Dear compatriots,

Today is Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia. It is, perhaps, the most important holiday for every Armenian and the citizen of the Republic of Armenia. During these days, we should concentrate every goal, every desire, every dream and force for our independent state.

It is the Republic of Armenia, drawn along the Araks River, fortified by the Armenian mountains, fixed by the outline of a delicate, beautiful Armenian woman.

This is our home, for the preservation, development, strengthening and prospering of which we, sparing no effort, should live every day.

This is our heritage! This is our announcement to the world!

This is the Mother Armenia, for which we live and we should live.

Our Republic of Armenia is 33 years old, that is real, it is for all of us, and we shall pass it on to our generations.

Long live the Armenian!

Long live the Armenian people!

Long live the citizen of Armenia!

Long live the Republic of Armenia, which is eternal!

God help us.