Itoxi Corp.

01/09/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/09/2025 02:44

Resolutions for Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders

Resolutions for Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders
1. Date and Time Date 2025-02-27
Time 10:00
2. Place 서울특별시 강남구 도산대로 427, 파모소빌딩 7층
3. Agenda and Key Issues 제1호 의안 : 정관 변경의 건(세부 안건 추후 확정)
제2호 의안 : 이사 선임의 건(세부 안건 추후 확정)
4. Date of Board of Directors' Resolution(Decision Date) 2025-01-09
-Outside Directors in Attendance Number Present 2
Number Absent 0
-Auditors in Attendance (on Audit Committee who are not outside directors) Present
-Type of Shareholders' Meeting Extraordinary Meeting
5. Other references concerning investment decisions
※Title and date of other disclosure related to this one -