Maryland and District of Columbia Credit Union Association Inc.

11/14/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/14/2024 12:14

Upcoming eTrain Webinars

eTrain webinars are designed specifically for credit unions through a subscription-based model. From the comfort of your desk, you can learn about topics including, human resources, compliance, lending, and more! Whether you train alone or in a group, these webinars will help your entire team develop new skills and knowledge while also stretching your training budget.

Here are some upcoming eTrain webinars:

Robbery Prevention Training - November 18 Register Today

The goal of this course is to help Credit Union staff and security personnel to consider ways to prevent robberies at their facilities as well as to keep them and the members safe from traumatizing experiences caused by a robbery.

Active Robbery Training - November 18 Register Today

Enhance your branch security! This session equips credit union staff and security personnel with strategies to prevent robberies and safeguard both employees and members from the traumatic impact of such incidents.