Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba

01/05/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/05/2025 16:33

President Díaz-Canel: 'Thank you for your heroism in the face of the barbarity of the economic war against us'

President Díaz-Canel: "Thank you for your heroism in the face of the barbarity of the economic war against us"

Havana, January 2, 2025.- Cuba's top authorities sent a message to the people just hours before celebrating the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, this January 1st.

"Dear compatriots: Infinite thanks for your heroism in the face of the barbarity of the economic war that is being waged against us," declared Miguel Díaz-Canel, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic.

With his message, in X, the president encouraged to remember the year that is ending, not for the obstacles and shortages but for the victories achieved.

"It is a great honor and thrill to know that we are part of this people who were not born destined for greatness. It has earned it through heroism and creativity in resistance. Long live Cuba forever free and sovereign by the will of its people," added the head of state.

His message was accompanied by a video, in which the daily life of Cubans is accompanied by his words at the closing of the 4th Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People's Power in its 10th Legislature, at the Convention Palace, on December 20, 2024: In today's Cuba, no one needs to walk very far if they want to find our heroines and heroes: They are millions! They make up the body and soul of a Revolution that resists and incessantly remakes itself. They are of all colors and of all ages. They do not think of medals or tributes, because they are determined to make a living day by day.

They do not think about losing but about winning; and if someone asks them what they are up to, they will say that they are "in the fight", "in the struggle", "in the fight", "on their knees", without crying, because the most powerful empire in history has been denying their beloved country, for more than 60 years, in cold blood and with total perversity, their right to welfare.

There are our heroes and martyrs, those who, as José Martí said, are sacred because they served their homeland. And there are also those of today, those who are not yet in any book: all those who put their hands and intelligence to work for Cuba; those who know that work is the source of all benefits; those who do not complain bitterly because something has been done wrong or has not been done, because they get involved in the solutions; those who put chest and hands to life and go tearing off bits and pieces of the problems, just as weeds are pulled out of the way.

These heroic protagonists have names and surnames: they are our children, always cheerful; they are their teachers, with humility as a sign, and full of lights, many of them doing wonders in amazing corners of the geography. They are our workers full of grease, smut or mud, but full of courage as they clean a well, or compose a thermoelectric boiler, or raise a high tension tower or a pole that has been knocked to the ground by a hurricane.

They are our doctors, nurses, scientists, artists and creators; they are all the entrepreneurs who dream of order, cleanliness and making things work well. It is the family ironing the school shirt at any cost, and at all hours standing in front of the pots and pans in the house (Applause). It is our young people -that sacred force of the country- wanting to do something useful. They are our indefatigable cadres, those who in the field must make bold decisions and unite wills. Heroes are all of them, absolutely all those who do not believe in defeat! They are invincible heroes!


