01/30/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/29/2025 23:09
Agenda: As of November 25th, 2024, Licenses for KnowBe4 cybersecurity awareness training software will be funded through the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP). To ensure effective use of these resources and compliance with federal performance measures, entities receiving a KnowBe4 (KB4) license from the state at no cost must adhere to defined usage standards.
This meeting will focus on the recently developed policy and resources created to help satisfy the new requirements.
We will review the new policy and answer questions you may have.
This location https://www.in.gov/iot/local-government-services/cybersecurity-awareness-training-knowbe4/will provide KnowBe4 Administrator resources as well as the new usage policy.
The State of Indiana has identified the 2025 monthly training schedule and phishing campaigns that we will review with the administrators.
We will share a new Frequently Asked Questions Guide for the administrators and look forward to adding any additional feedback the admin may have.