City of Long Beach, CA

01/28/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/28/2025 17:18

Long Beach Transitions to Cashless Entry Payment for El Dorado East Regional Park, Nature Center and Belmont Plaza Pool


City of Long Beach
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90802

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress Release # 012825
Long Beach Transitions to Cashless Entry Payment for El Dorado East Regional Park, Nature Center and Belmont Plaza Pool
Additional enhancements to be implemented at El Dorado as part of the El Dorado Park Paving, Wayfinding and Parking Improvements Project
Jane Grobaty
Community Information Officer
Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine

Long Beach, CA - The City of Long Beach Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine (PRM) is following the practice of the National Park System and moving to cashless park entry for El Dorado East Regional Park, El Dorado Nature Center and Belmont Plaza Pool. Cashless entry reduces transaction times at park entry stations, improves accountability and consistency and reduces chances of errors.

Effective immediately, entry booths at these locations will only accept cashless payment options including debit, credit, prepaid credit cards and smart pay. Park patrons who do not have access to cashless payment options may purchase day tickets at the El Dorado East Regional Park Office or El Dorado Nature Center Visitors Center located directly inside the parks' entries. Day tickets and annual passes must be displayed in all vehicles while visiting the parks. Patrons wishing to purchase annual passes may also do so at the park office locations.

Also now in effect, Belmont Pool patrons should expect to pay for swimming programs with a credit or debit card at the pool entry booth. The alternative cash payment option will still be available for those who need it at the pool office, located just behind the entry booth.

To increase the public's awareness of this operational change, signage has been added to the facility entries and PRM staff have collaborated with their vendors and user groups to aide in the communication of this information through their networks.

The transition at El Dorado East Regional Park and Nature Center is the first step the City is taking to enhance park efficiency, accessibility and safety measures. The Department of Public Works is in the process of developing additional enhancements as part of the El Dorado Park Paving, Wayfinding and Parking Improvements project, which will create a safer, more accessible and enjoyable experience for visitors by resurfacing roadways and parking lots, improved wayfinding signage and redesigned entry points and circulation improvements to help alleviate long vehicle queues and enhance traffic flow, particularly during peak visitation times. More information about this project, including timelines and budget, will be available at a later date.

Cashless parking is already being used at City beaches and other paid parking facilities and locations.

For more information about El Dorado East Regional Park and Nature Center, park patrons may call 562.570.1745 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. For more information about Belmont Plaza Pool, people may call 562.570.1806.

Media inquiries may be directed to Jane Grobaty, PRM Community Information Officer, at 562.570.3233 or

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