ICA - International Cotton Association Ltd.

10/11/2024 | News release | Archived content

ICA on the road in Asia

Last month, Kim Hanna (ICA Past President) and Bill Kingdon (ICA Managing Director) visited India, Bangladesh,Turkey and Uzbekistan connecting with local cotton communities and delivering important messages from the ICA.

The trip began in India where the Memorandum of Understanding between the Cotton Association of India and the ICA was renewed, signifying the importance of this close relationship and a commitment to further developing these strong ties. Accompanied by the Regional Director for India - Jagannath Gopinath - and Mohit Shah (former President) Kim and Bill met with Cotton Corporation of India and 12 major textile mills from Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Punjab. Individual meetings were held with each.

Following this, they visited Bangladesh where the ICA met with BTMA (Bangladesh Textiles Mills Association) - discussions focused on fostering a strong, mutually beneficial relationship between the two organisations and a singular topic of concern for Bangladesh spinners. They met with major business leaders, hosted by Salman Ispahani (former President) and Shafiqul Sohel (Regional Director). Next they visited Kahramanmaraş, Turkey where Kim and Bill delivered a presentation to local spinners covering important elements of the ICA for spinners and the emerging EU legislation which will affect the cotton industry.

The trip concluded in Tashkent, Uzbekistan at the ICAC's plenary where Bill attended the inaugural Cotton Leaders' roundtable and participated in a panel focusing on the emerging EU legislation and the need for the cotton community to take action now.

Speaking of the trip, Bill said; "It is a privilege to visit so many important cotton consuming regions. We had excellent opportunities to explain how ICA is supporting all those who trade cotton, be they buyer or seller, and to support the success of cotton as the natural fibre of choice for textile manufacture. It is our hope that more companies will join ICA as a result of this visit".

ICA and CAI Renew their Memorandum of Understanding in India:

ICA & BTMA in Bangladesh:

Delivering important information to spinners in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey: