CGIAR System Organization - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers

01/29/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/30/2025 23:56

A new project launched to strengthen evidence use for African agriculture adaptation

Robust data and frameworks for measuring climate adaptation are urgently needed to guide investments and boost the resilience of smallholder farmers across Africa.

With the impacts of climate change intensifying across Africa, adapting to a changing climate has become a necessity.

For millions of smallholder farmers and the climate-vulnerable communities they support, effective climate adaptation strategies can make all the difference. They determine whether farmers live in an almost perpetual crisis or become resilient to the extreme weather events that increasingly affect them.

But, what makes climate adaptation strategic? Researchers and other stakeholders who focus on climate change mitigation (reducing the emission of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere) have advanced the definition of clear metrics for measuring progress.

However, climate change adaptation is more complex, involving an array of social, economic and environmental dimensions.