City of Eugene, OR

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 16:40

Teens learn and grow during YEP summer camps

Over a few short months, the Youth Empowerment Program ran two camps, three day trips and provided inclusion services for 35 youth this summer with funding from the Community Safety Payroll Tax.

The Recreation Apprentice Program gave seven teens aged 14-17 the opportunity to learn leadership skills while working with younger children at camps, several Fun for All sites across town and in the kitchen at Culture Jam. In total, the teens completed more than 660 hours of service and left with new job skills, certification in CPR and first aid and a food handler card.

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The Counselor in Training Program provided opportunities for 12-15-year-olds to begin their leadership journeys by working with younger children at camps, volunteering at Grass Roots Garden and completing a painting project for Adaptive Recreation. And while food was provided each day, the soon-to-be counselors in charge of planning and preparing meals for their own cohort.

Funds from the Community Safety Payroll Tax (CSPT) help provide faster, more efficient safety responses, deter crime, connect people to services, engage and help at-risk youth, support more investigations and court services, and hold those who commit crimes accountable. The five service areas supported in the City of Eugene include: Police, Fire and EMS, Unhoused Services, Youth & Teen Empowerment Program, and Municipal Court and Prosecutor's Office.