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09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 15:31

What Does Catnip Do to Cats? It’s More Than Just Entertainment

If you've ever seen a cat go wild after rolling around in some catnip, you may have wondered, "What does catnipdoto cats?"

Catnip is a member of the mint family. It'sabundant in an oil called nepetalactone, which triggers a reaction in cats when the molecules bind to receptors in their noses. This activates parts of their brains that are associated with scent, mood, and behavioral regulation.

Not all cats respond to catnip. But for the ones who do, the responses can vary. Some cats get more relaxed, happy, playful, and affectionate, while others become overstimulated and aggressive or agitated.


Here, we'll break down how catnip might affect your cat, how much to give them, and other things you can try if your cat is immune to catnip.

What does catnip do to cats?

Let's take a closer look at how (and why) catnip affects many cats.

Funny antics Regardless of your cat's individual reaction to catnip, you can count on some funny antics.

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Catnip puts many cats in a good mood. As such, they'll exhibit a lot of behaviors associated with being in a good mood. They'll often purr, roll around, and become more playful, for instance.

"This can be helpful when introducing them to a new home or if you're encouraging them to play more,"Joey Lusvardi, CCBC, a certified cat behavior consultant and the founder of Class Act Cats, told GoodRx Health.

Your cat may also get a burst of energy or run around the house doing zoomies. If they get overstimulated, they may be quick to swat at you or whip their tails back and forth. If you see these behaviors, you might want to back off for a few minutes until they calm down.

Enrichment Catnip and catnip-induced behavior aren't just amusing. Catnip can be asource of enrichment, or a form of mental and physical stimulation that allows cats to express their natural instincts.

Enrichment is important for all cats, but even more so for indoor cats because they don't get to express these instincts as often. This makes themprone to boredomandmore likely to exhibit negative behaviorslike:

Catnip can provide cats with an outlet and keep them entertained.

Stress relief Catnip is also believed to reduce stress and anxiety in cats byacting on the limbic system- the part of the brain that controls emotions and behaviors. In one study, catnipprompted shelter cats to sleep moreand spend less time standing and exploring their environment. While the researchers didn't connect this to decreases in stress, it suggests some sort of relaxation response.

Catnip has also been shown to act similarly to serotonin, which improves mood and overall well-being in cats. However, there's been no scientific studies on exactly how catnip works in this regard.

Bug repellent The chemical nepetalactone in catnip that causes a response in cats alsohelps keep pests, in particular mosquitos, away. This may explain why cats react to catnip in certain ways, according to Lusvardi.

"Cats who roll around, for example, will be covered in a potent insect repellant and be less likely to catch mosquito-borne illnesses," he said.

Training aid While you can't train cats as effectively as dogs, catnip can help guide them in the direction you want. For example, you can use catnip to draw cats to a particular location (or away from one).

Lusvardi pointed out that this is helpful when trying to get cats to go into their carriers or scratch on a scratching post instead of the couch. You can also use catnip toencourage picky eaters to try new foods.

How often can you give a cat catnip?

According to Lusvardi, there's no need to be stingy with catnip. But the more frequently you give it to a cat, the less strong their response will be. Because of this, a good rule of thumb is to limit catnip to no more than once per day. But spacing it out a bit more, like to a couple times per week, may give your cat a stronger response.

"Cats will respond to catnip for 5 to 30 minutes and then have a refractory period where they don't respond at all. That period of time is different for each cat, but itusually lasts at least an hour," Lusvardi said.

As for how much catnip to give cats? There's no recommended dosage, but Lusvardi said a generous pinch is usually enough. If the catnip is old or your cat doesn't have a strong response, you may need to give them a bit more.

Since fresh catnip is stronger than dried catnip, you don't need as much to get a similar response. And powdered catnip is extra concentrated, so you only need a small amount to get your cat going.

Can kittens have catnip? Kittens can have catnip, but kittens younger than 6 to 8 weeks olddon't really respond to it. So while it's not unsafe to give catnip to young kittens, there's no benefit either. It's best to wait until kittens are at least 8 weeks old to introduce them to catnip.

Can cats eat catnip?

Unless they're allergic, cats can safely eat catnip. In fact, there are catnip-flavored treats you can give to your cat.

That said, catsdon't have the same response to eating catnipas they do to sniffing it. Cats react to catnip because the active chemical binds to receptors in their nose, Lusvardi pointed out. So while it won't cause any harm, eating catnip doesn't have a real benefit.

Can cats overdose on catnip?

Cats can't overdose on catnip in the same way that humans can overdose with medications and other substances. In other words, too much catnip isn't fatal to cats. ButCourtney Deer, DVM, an emergency and critical care veterinarian, told GoodRx Health that large doses can contribute to diarrhea, digestive upset, and dizziness.

Large amounts have also been known to triggerseizures in cats. So it's best to avoid giving catnip to cats with a history of seizures.

Can cats get addicted to catnip? Cats can't really get addicted to catnip. According to Lusvardi, we don't see that type of behavior with cats in general.

"While your cat will absolutely perk up and head right over to the catnip when you bust it out, they don't actively seek out catnip in the same way a person might seek out an addictive substance," he said.

Alternatives to catnip

Only about50% to 75% of catsreact to catnip. The rest don't have a sensitivity and won't show a response to it. If your cat isn't reactive to catnip, or you just want to switch it up, there aresome catnip alternativesyou can try. The following plants have similar effects on cats as catnip.

Silver vine Part of the kiwi family, silver vine is the most effective "catnip dupe," with about 80% of cats reacting to it, according to Deer. And like catnip, it's best smelled instead of eaten. The effects of silver vine - sedation, rolling around, and licking - tend to last up to 30 minutes.

Tatarian honeysuckle Tatarian honeysuckle affects about 50% of cats and has similar effects to catnip. The wood is the most commonly used part, since some honeysuckle berries, flowers, and leaves can be toxic to cats. Though, Deer warned, some cats may chew on the wood, which can be a choking hazard. So if you do give it to your cat, monitor them closely.

Valerian root About 50% of cats are sensitive to valerian root, which has similar effects to catnip. It can be given to cats orally or inhaled. But Deer said to use extra care and find a product that's made especially for cats, since human-grade products can have garlic in them. Andgarlic is toxic to cats.

" data-qa="ContentCalloutH2Title" The bottom line

Catnip can provide enrichment and stress relief for your cat. It can also be a source of entertainment, since it's fun to watch them go wild over it.

While not all cats respond to catnip, there's no harm in giving it to them to see how they react. It's not addictive and is unlikely to cause any health issues. If your cat doesn't respond to catnip, you can try a catnip alternative like silver vine, tatarian honeysuckle, or valerian root.