Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS

01/13/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/13/2025 10:48

Trash & Recycling Collection Resumes with Added Support

Trash & Recycling Collection Resumes with Added Support

Published on January 13, 2025

Following last week's weather-related disruptions to trash collection, regular service has resumed this week with additional measures in place to ensure efficiency. WM has added five additional drivers to support the collection effort and minimize delays.

Residents are encouraged to place their trash out for collection on their usual service day. However, the Unified Government's Solid Waste Division is asking residents to refrain from placing bulky items at the curb this week. Bulky items require extra time and effort to collect, which can delay service for other households in the community.

Unlike many cities, Kansas City, Kansas, offers an unlimited set-out policy for trash collection. This means all items must be manually loaded into trucks by drivers. When drivers encounter excessive amounts of trash or bulky items, it takes longer to clear each stop. These delays can impact their ability to service other homes on time.

"We understand the challenges that last week's weather caused for many of our residents," said Diana Miles, Solid Waste Manager. "With the additional support from WM, we're confident that all households will receive timely service this week. By holding off on bulky item disposal until next week, residents can help ensure crews stay on schedule and provide service to every neighbor."

To learn more about Solid Waste Management, read frequently asked questions, and view helpful tips, visit wycokck.org/Waste.

Need to report a trash or recycling issue? Please continue contacting 3-1-1 for all trash and recycling service inquiries until February 1, 2025. Starting February 1, service requests will transition to WM. Learn more about this change at wycokck.org/WM.

Trash & Recycling Tips

Has your trash or recycling pick-up been late? Is it your regular trash day and the cans are still full at the street? Before you report your items as missed, keep the following in mind:

  • Put your trash and recycling out by 7 AM.
  • If your trash was not picked up - don't take it back in! Leave your missed items at the curb or street edge until they're collected. Bringing your missed trash or recycling back into your garage or placing it on the side of your house can result in it being missed again.
  • Sometimes, recovering your missed items can take a day or two. Put your trash and recycling in sealed containers to keep it from spilling out and blowing all over your neighborhood. If your items still haven't been recovered after a day or two, report it again!
  • Sometimes, trash and recycling are missed because crews are working hard to pick up bulky items. Bulky item collection slows everything down, so avoid putting bulky items out whenever possible. The faster drivers can collect trash and recycling at your neighbor's house, the faster they can get to yours!
  • Please be patient.

Trash & Recycling Holiday Schedule

There are six holidays on which residential trash and recycling are not collected:

  • New Year's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • 4th of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

On these holidays, the pickup of everyone's trash and recycling is delayed by one day unless the holiday falls on a weekend. Learn more about weekly trash collection and get answers to some frequently asked questions by checking out the Weekly Trash & Recycling page. To find your trash day, visit maps.wycokck.org/TrashDay.html.

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