Mario Diaz-Balart

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 08:16

English/Español:Díaz Balart Leads Letter Condemning the Biden Harris Admin for Allowing U.S. Entry of Cuban Communist Party Pilot Allegedly Linked to Brothers of the Rescue[...]

WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S. Reps. Mario Díaz-Balart (FL-26), María Elvira Salazar (FL-27), Carlos A. Giménez (FL-28), and Alex Mooney (WV-2) sent a letter to the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas with profound concerns over reports that a high-ranking operative of the Cuban dictatorship who is alleged to have participated in the heinous murder of Americans was recently granted entry into the United States.

Full text of the letter here and below.

"As Members of Congress with constituents directly impacted by the brutality of the Castro regime, we write with profound concern regarding reports that a high-level operative in the Cuban dictatorship who is alleged to have participated in the heinous murder of Americans was recently admitted into the United States.

"According to numerous press reports, Cuban Lieutenant Colonel Luis Raúl González-Pardo Rodríguez entered the United States within the past few weeks. Additional reports, as well as a letter from survivors, contend that Gonzalez-Pardo participated in the Brothers to the Rescue shootdown of 1996. That shootdown resulted in the murders of three American citizens and one legal permanent resident, respectively: Carlos Costa, Mario de la Peña, Armando Alejandre, and Pablo Morales. These humanitarians were working to rescue refugees at sea who were escaping totalitarian Cuba, and saved countless lives since the Brothers to the Rescue's founding. As both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) affirmed after the attack, these civilian, unarmed Cessnas were shot down by MiGs in international waters. This was a flagrant violation of international law.

"The families of these victims deserve justice. It was an insult to them and a disgraceful travesty of justice that the Obama Administration released the one person who had been held accountable for their murders, Gerardo Hernandez, in a concession to the regime in Cuba. Now, the possibility that another person who may have participated in that heinous act was granted the extraordinary privilege of U.S. entry is yet another affront.

"The remaining survivors of the Brothers to the Rescue shootdown have demanded an investigation into the vetting process that allowed González-Pardo into the United States, and whether he lied on his forms. We reiterate their call, and are deeply concerned about the seeming influx of high-level Cuban Communist Party operatives into the United States. "


Díaz-Balart lidera carta condenando a la Administración Biden-Harris por permitir la entrada a Estados Unidos de un piloto del Partido Comunista de Cuba presuntamente vinculado al derribo de las avionetas Hermanos al Rescate

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Los legisladores Mario Díaz-Balart (FL-26), María Elvira Salazar (FL-27), Carlos A. Giménez (FL-28), y Alex Mooney (WV-2), enviaron una carta al Secretario de Estado Antony Blinken y al Secretario de Seguridad Nacional Alejandro Mayorkas expresando profundas preocupaciones sobre informes que indican que un alto operativo de la dictadura cubana, presuntamente involucrado en el atroz asesinato de americanos, fue recientemente admitido en Estados Unidos.

Lea la carta en ingles aquí o a continuación:

"As Members of Congress with constituents directly impacted by the brutality of the Castro regime, we write with profound concern regarding reports that a high-level operative in the Cuban dictatorship who is alleged to have participated in the heinous murder of Americans was recently admitted into the United States.

"According to numerous press reports, Cuban Lieutenant Colonel Luis Raúl González-Pardo Rodríguez entered the United States within the past few weeks. Additional reports, as well as a letter from survivors, contend that Gonzalez-Pardo participated in the Brothers to the Rescue shootdown of 1996. That shootdown resulted in the murders of three American citizens and one legal permanent resident, respectively: Carlos Costa, Mario de la Peña, Armando Alejandre, and Pablo Morales. These humanitarians were working to rescue refugees at sea who were escaping totalitarian Cuba, and saved countless lives since the Brothers to the Rescue's founding. As both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) affirmed after the attack, these civilian, unarmed Cessnas were shot down by MiGs in international waters. This was a flagrant violation of international law.

"The families of these victims deserve justice. It was an insult to them and a disgraceful travesty of justice that the Obama Administration released the one person who had been held accountable for their murders, Gerardo Hernandez, in a concession to the regime in Cuba. Now, the possibility that another person who may have participated in that heinous act was granted the extraordinary privilege of U.S. entry is yet another affront.

"The remaining survivors of the Brothers to the Rescue shootdown have demanded an investigation into the vetting process that allowed González-Pardo into the United States, and whether he lied on his forms. We reiterate their call, and are deeply concerned about the seeming influx of high-level Cuban Communist Party operatives into the United States ."
