City of Spartanburg, SC

11/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/13/2024 16:10

Angels Charge Ministry marks 10 years assisting women in finding new lives after incarceration

In 2014, Pastor Nannie Jefferies saw a need in Spartanburg that no other organization was filling. After visiting with and ministering to incarcerated relatives of her parishioners, Pastor Jefferies was struck by the lack of assistance and hope those women had once they were released. Many of the women were often left with no alternative but to return to the same environments that had led them down the path to incarceration in the first place, putting them at much higher risk of recidivism. Recognizing the need to offer a better solution, Pastor Jefferies founded Angels Charge Ministry, which has been working to provide that solution for recently incarcerated women in Spartanburg ever since.

Today on the podcast, we're talking with Pastor Jefferies about the work Angels Charge Ministry does and the impact that work has on the women served and the larger community they call home.

Want to listen to our podcast on the go? You can find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or search "Spartanburg City News" in your favorite podcast app. Theme music provided by Spartanburg singer-songwriter, David Ezell .