City of Lima, OH

01/15/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/15/2025 15:18

Snow Plowing Tips for Lima Residents

Here are some tips to make snow plowing for our Streets Division more effective and safe:

  • Park vehicles off of the street if possible.
  • If cars must remain parked on the street, please park cars along one side. Snow plows may be unable to maneuver down narrow streets with cars parked on both sides, hindering their ability to remove snow in a timely manner.
  • Do not plow snow from the driveway into the street.
  • Pile shoveled snow from driveways to the right of the driveway (as you face the street) or pile it on your yard area.
  • Clear snow and ice from stormwater drains to help prevent flooding when the snow melts.
  • When following snow plows, stay a safe distance behind.
  • Under no circumstance should you attempt to pass a snow plow.
  • Keep children away from snow plows.
  • When the City receives snows of 4 inches or more, city code requires owners of vehicles to park on alternate sides of the street: Drivers must park on the even side of the street on even numbered calendar days, and odd side of the street on odd numbered calendar days. Failure to follow this may result in traffic tickets, fines or impound of the vehicle.
    • Parking on alternate sides of the street is particularly important for the following narrow streets: Weadock (Kibby to Vine), Oak (Kibby to Vine), Holly (Kibby to Vine), Hazel (West of Charles), Marian (Metcalf to Baxter), Haller (McDonel to Baxter), Dale (Latham to Crestwood), Chestnut (4th to Cedar)
  • Once the snow plows have cleared your street for the entire block, you can resume parking as normal.

Snow Emergency Classifications - The Allen County Sheriff's Office may, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 311.07 and 311.08, declare a snow emergency and temporarily close the state roads and municipal streets within his/her jurisdiction when such action is reasonably necessary for the preservation of the public peace.

  • LEVEL 1: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads may also be icy. Motorists are urged to drive very cautiously.
  • LEVEL 2: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads may also be very icy. Only those who feel it is necessary to drive should be out on the roads. Contact your employer to see if you should report to work. Motorists should use extreme caution.
  • LEVEL 3: All Roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. No one should be driving during these conditions unless it is absolutely necessary to travel or a personal emergency exists. All employees should contact their employer to see if they should report to work. Those travelling on the roads may subject themselves to arrest.