
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

01/28/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/28/2025 20:35

ICANN Grant Program Reaches Major MilestoneShayna Robinson

The ICANN Grant Program has reached an exciting milestone in its objective to support initiatives that advance ICANN's mission. On 26 January 2025, the ICANN Board approved the final slate of applications to be funded in the first cycle of the program, and authorized the ICANN organization (org) to proceed to contract negotiations with all applicants identified in the final slate.

This approval marks the culmination of a thorough review process in which applications were carefully evaluated according to the criteria established in the Grant Program Applicant Guide. We believe the funded projects will complement existing community-driven efforts to improve Internet security and operability, enhance public knowledge of and engagement in Internet governance, and increase participation by underserved populations.

As we celebrate this milestone, we anticipate holding a public session on the ICANN Grant Program during ICANN82 in March. Until then, we will work to finalize the grant agreements with selected applicants. The applicants in the final slate will be disclosed only after all grant agreement negotiations are complete and the agreements are signed, which we expect to happen by the end of March 2025.

We look forward to seeing the impact of these projects and how they inspire meaningful collaboration across the global ICANN community, as contemplated in the recommendations of the Cross-Community Working Group on New Generic Top-Level Domain Auction Proceeds that are implemented through the ICANN Grant Program.

Thank you again to all who participated. Stay tuned for updates on these exciting developments on the ICANN Grant Program webpage!


Shayna Robinson

Grant Program Director

Shayna Robinson

Grant Program Director