Macon-Bibb County, GA

01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 08:48

“You need to have that grace for yourself”: Men gather for monthly mental health discussion

January 31, 2025

Published by eadams

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The temperature outside was dropping below freezing outside giving the air inside Churchill on Cherry's event space a chill. Despite that, there was a warmth to the first Men's Mental Health Meet-up of 2025 thanks to the brotherhood created through shared experiences and advice on how to overcome challenges.

At the top of the get together, Jeremy Grissom, MVP Coordinator, asked each man to introduce themselves and say one thing that's gone well for them in the first month of the year and one goal they have for the rest of the year.

"I want to help people."

"Live a healthier life."

"Celebrating my one-month-old baby."

"Get ahead on finances."

"Fix the family relationship."

"Finish school."

Common themes ran through the conversation as they talked about changes in the world and how it affects them and their community. They all agreed that no matter what happened on a larger scale, it shows that the real work needs to be by them working directly in the community.

"We have to hold strong to the things we can control," Grissom said. "We know the things we can't."

There was a lot of laughter and nodding of heads at the scenarios, but not in jest, in understanding and seeing those same scenarios in their lives. The challenges for each were all similar to each other.

"I fear failure in my career. I fear failure in my relationship. So, I just keep going."

"Every day you're trying to be the best."

"Giving everything your all every day, it's tiring. I'm tired, man."

"I felt like in some spaces I was judged."

Following the general discussion, a licensed therapist in attendance guided them through an exercise on what they can do moving forward. They each shared how they face their challenges, what activities they do when feeling down.

"Oftentimes, we don't process our emotions in the moment," he told them.

"I journal because I can write things down and just leave it behind," one man said. "You get a chance to stabilize your emotions."

As it closed out, Grissom thanked them for their honesty, openness, and support for the other men. He encouraged them to come back as they felt the needed and invite others to join them. But most importantly, he told them to take care of themselves and reach out before they needed.

"You need to have that grace for yourself," he told them.

The monthly meet-ups happen on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Churchills on Cherry beginning at 7:00 p.m. They give men a chance to take a break, reflect on their lives, seek advice, and realize that they are not alone in what they face. They provide a purposeful place where men can get together without any boundaries and with guards let down, all to support each other.

You can find more information on the MMHM websiteand by following MMHM on Facebook.

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