University of Miami

01/14/2025 | Press release | Archived content

Members of Provost Search Committee named

People and Community University

Members of Provost Search Committee named

In a message to the faculty, President Joe Echevarria shared an update on the search for the University's next provost, a role that serves as the chief academic officer.
The 15-member Provost Search Committee includes representatives from thefaculty, staff, and trustees.

By News@TheU 01-14-2025

As students and faculty members returned to campus for the start of the spring semester, President Joe Echevarria recently shared an update on the search to identify the next provost of the University of Miami.

Going beyond the search process requirements outlined in the Faculty Manual, members of the faculty have been engaged to take an active role in the search process in three ways: directly sought input from the faculty members both in-person and online regarding what they believe the profile of the ideal candidate should be; created a repository for the attributes and skills faculty members believe are essential for the next provost; and considered any ideas raised by faculty members for their participation in the process.

Echevarria has selected the members of the Provost Search Committee, after consultation with the Faculty Senate. Ten of its 15 members were nominated by the Faculty Senate, and the committee includes representatives from the faculty, staff, and trustees.

Dr. Henri Ford, dean of the Miller School of Medicine, will chair the committee. In addition to Ford, the members of the committee are:

  • Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Faculty Council speaker, Department of Ophthalmology, Miller School of Medicine
  • Burjor Captain, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Scotney Evans, Faculty Senate vice chair, Department of Education and Psychological Studies, School of Education and Human Development
  • Lisa Gwynn, Department of Pediatrics, Miller School of Medicine
  • Dorothy Hindman, Department of Theory and Composition, Frost School of Music
  • Linda Neider, Department of Management, Miami Herbert Business School
  • JoNel Newman, Faculty Senate chair, Professor of Law, School of Law
  • Dipen Parekh, director of the Desai Sethi Urology Institute and chief operating officer, University of Miami Health System
  • Laurie Silvers, immediate past chair and Faculty Senate liaison, Board of Trustees
  • Michiko Skinner, Department of Theatre Arts, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Albert Varon, Faculty Senate vice chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Miller School of Medicine

Student Government president Roy Carrillo Zamora will join the committee as an ex-officio member representing the student body, as well as Alison Mincey, chief human resources officer, who will also serve as an ex-officio member.

Guillermo "Willy" Prado will continue to serve as the interim executive vice president for academic affairs and provost.

Search process and timeline

Education Executives, a firm with extensive experience in higher education leadership recruitment, will develop a position profile in consultation with the search committee. This profile will be informed by a series of listening sessions Echevarria and Ford will host across campus to get further feedback from the University community on candidate expectations. 

Your input matters

Comments and nominations can be submitted to Ilene H. Nagelor John Simonat Education Executives.