Victek Co. Ltd.

01/15/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/15/2025 01:22

Contract for Sales or Supply(Voluntary Disclosure)

Contract for Sales or Supply(Voluntary Disclosure)
1. Details of Contract 방공C2A 성과기반군수지원(PBL)
2. Details of Contract Conditional contract No
Fixed contract amout(KRW) 4,939,040,800
Conditional contract amount(KRW) -
Total amount of contract(KRW) 4,939,040,800
Total sales in the latest fiscal year(KRW) 54,928,577,801
Ratio to Sales(%) 8.99
3. Other Parties to the Contract 한화시스템 주식회사
- Total sales in the latest fiscal year(KRW) 2,453,079,541,922
- Main business 방위사업(군사장비 제조/판매)
- Relationship to Issuer -
- Fulfillment of a similar contract with Issuer for the last three years No
4. Sales Territory /Market 한화시스템 구미사업장
5. Contracted Period from 2025-01-15
to 2025-08-29
6. Conditions of Contract Deposit or advance payment No
Payment terms - 납품 마감 후 10일내 현금지불
- 지체상금률: 0.075%
7. Sales or Supply Method Oneself Production Yes
Outside Production No
Other Production -
8. Contract Date 2025-01-15
9. Other references concerning investment decisions
1. 상기 계약금액은 부가가치세를 제외한 금액입니다.
2. 상기 최근 매출액은 2023년 기준입니다.
3. 상기 계약금액 및 계약기간 등 계약조건은 향후 진행과정에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.
※ Title and date of other disclosure related to this one -