01/15/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/15/2025 01:22
1. Details of Contract | 방공C2A 성과기반군수지원(PBL) | |
2. Details of Contract | Conditional contract | No |
Fixed contract amout(KRW) | 4,939,040,800 | |
Conditional contract amount(KRW) | - | |
Total amount of contract(KRW) | 4,939,040,800 | |
Total sales in the latest fiscal year(KRW) | 54,928,577,801 | |
Ratio to Sales(%) | 8.99 | |
3. Other Parties to the Contract | 한화시스템 주식회사 | |
- Total sales in the latest fiscal year(KRW) | 2,453,079,541,922 | |
- Main business | 방위사업(군사장비 제조/판매) | |
- Relationship to Issuer | - | |
- Fulfillment of a similar contract with Issuer for the last three years | No | |
4. Sales Territory /Market | 한화시스템 구미사업장 | |
5. Contracted Period | from | 2025-01-15 |
to | 2025-08-29 | |
6. Conditions of Contract | Deposit or advance payment | No |
Payment terms |
- 납품 마감 후 10일내 현금지불 - 지체상금률: 0.075% |
7. Sales or Supply Method | Oneself Production | Yes |
Outside Production | No | |
Other Production | - | |
8. Contract Date | 2025-01-15 | |
9. Other references concerning investment decisions | ||
1. 상기 계약금액은 부가가치세를 제외한 금액입니다. 2. 상기 최근 매출액은 2023년 기준입니다. 3. 상기 계약금액 및 계약기간 등 계약조건은 향후 진행과정에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다. |
※ Title and date of other disclosure related to this one | - |