01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/01/2025 00:35
Release Date: 1/31/2025
HONOLULU, Jan. 31, 2025 - Tonight, Hawaiian Electric expects to complete most of its power restoration efforts after the damaging weather conditions that swept through the island chain this week. Fewer than 1% of its approximately 471,600 total customers remain without power.
As of 6 p.m., crews restored electricity to all but 1,120 customers across Oahu, Maui County and Hawaii Island:
"We sincerely thank our communities and our customers for their patience and understanding throughout this restoration process," said Jim Alberts, senior vice president and chief operations officer.
Because of the dynamic nature of the storm system, outage numbers represent a snapshot in time and are subject to change as additional customers are restored and more outages occur, sometimes in the same area. Customers can track current outages on the outage map at hawaiianelectric.com and our mobile app. Any customer still without power should use this tool to report their outage or call our Trouble Lines.
Depending on the type of damage, some customers who remain without power may need to hire an electrician to make repairs to their equipment before we can safely reconnect electric service to their homes.