NCBA - National Cooperative Business Association

11/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/08/2024 09:54

Board service opportunity – want to be CDF’s next board member

Are you passionate about working at the intersection of cooperative development, building an inclusive and equitable economy, and advancing approaches to community empowerment and resilience? Interested in serving on a nonprofit board of interesting and committed cooperative leaders? The Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF)is seeking to fill a seat on their Board of Directors, and would love to hear from you!

Founded in 1944, the Cooperative Development Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, with a mission to promote cooperative development and education. CDF brings together the funds and partners to incubate, replicate and elevate cooperatives that advance resilient communities, including permanently affordable housing, serving the home care needs of seniors, and improving food security. Through its funds, fiscal sponsorships and fundraising, CDF provides grants and scholarships that foster cooperative development domestically and abroad, support cooperatives impacted by disaster, train cooperative leaders, and conduct research and education to advance the understanding of cooperatives.

CDF is seeking individuals familiar with member-owned business models who are interested in expanding the reach of cooperatives, understand the governance and financial needs of nonprofits, and can add their experiences, expertise and perspectives to enrich the board and advance CDF's mission, impact and reach. The nine-member cross-sector board directs the mission, strategy and goals of CDF, provides financial oversight, ensures legal obligations are met, selects and evaluates the Executive Director, approves grantmaking decisions, and helps broaden the reach of the cooperative sector. The volunteer board meets 3-4 times per year with virtual option.  

If you are interested, please apply here by November 25. Please provide information about your interest in serving on the board, any governance, financial and fundraising skills and experience you have in the cooperative and/or inclusive economy sectors and include a resume. We'd love to hear from you about what you can bring to and get from the Cooperative Development Foundation's Board of Directors.

Submit your application