IFJ - International Federation of Journalists

10/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/23/2024 23:22

Myanmar: Two journalists arrested by opposition group

24 October 2024

Myanmar: Two journalists arrested by opposition group

Red News Agency reporter Tar Lin Maung and freelance journalist Naung Yo were detained by prominent Ethnic Armed Organisation (EAO), the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), on September 29 and 30 respectively, with their whereabouts and charges still unknown. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, Myanmar Journalist Network (MJN), in calling for the immediate release of both journalists, emphasising that such actions severely undermine press freedom and threaten freedom of expression.


KIA soldiers stand on the streets of Laiza near the China-Myanmar border in Kachin State in 2011. Credit: Phil Thornton

From late September, Red News Agency reporter Tar Lin Maung and freelancer Naung Yo were detained by prominent armed opposition group, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in the Hpakant Township of the northern Kachin State. Their whereabouts or any formal charges remain unknown.

On October 23, Maung posted on Facebook stating "I am fine and healthy". However, family members of both journalists confirmed that they have been unable to communicate with them since their arrests.

The reasons for their detention are unclear, but however media reports have claimed that Maung was arrested following critical social media posts in late September. The Democratic Voice of Burma reports that Maung could not be contacted after meeting with a member of the People's Defence Force (PDF), an ally of the KIA in Myanmar's ongoing civil war, at a restaurant on September 29. Naung Yo was reportedly arrested while investigating Maung's disappearance the following day.

Colonel Naw Bu, a KIA spokesperson, claimed that he was not aware of the journalists' arrest and will investigate the matter before making any comments. The Independent Press Council Myanmar attempted to contact KIA through the National Unity Government in early October, but the journalists remain uncontactable.

The KIA is a prominent EAO in northern Myanmar that seeks greater autonomy for the Kachin ethnic minority, and has been engaged in conflict with the Myanmar military since the country's independence. Maung and Yo are the first Myanmar journalists to be detained by an opposition group since the 2021 military coup.

MJN said: "MJN denounces any killing or arrest of journalists and requests every armed group to respect press freedom. It should not set a precedent for any armed group to suppress the freedom of the press."

The IFJ said:"The IFJ condemns the unlawful arrests and arbitrary detention of journalists Tar Lin Maung and Naung Yo. This act undermines press freedom and poses a serious threat to the fundamental rights to freedom of expression. We urge the Kachin Independence Army to immediately release both media professionals and uphold the principles of a free and open media."

For further information contact IFJ Asia - Pacific on [email protected]

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