Steny H. Hoyer

01/28/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/28/2025 17:27

Hoyer Statement on President Trump's Unconstitutional Move to Halt Federal Funding

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) released the following statement today regarding President Donald Trump's unconstitutional move to immediately halt federal grants and loans:

"The federal government is supposed to function For The People. Ordering an immediate halt to all federal grants and loans, President Trump is deforming the federal government so that it serves him and him alone. From small business loans to infrastructure projects, school lunches to suicide hotlines, preschool programs to disaster assistance, this unconstitutional action pulls the rug out from under American families, businesses, and communities. Asserting sole authority to determine who receives support from the federal government based on adherence to MAGA principles outlined by executive order rather than the law is the ultimate form of President Trump's politics of retribution.

"Laws passed by this Congress require these funds be spent as intended. It is shameful that Congressional Republicans would so willingly cede one of our institution's most fundamental constitutional powers to the executive branch. Relinquishing the power of the purse will render the legislative branch impotent.

"The Founding Fathers recognized the vital importance of the separation of powers to our republic's survival. I pray our courts will do the same today when evaluating Trump's impoundment."