NDBA - North Dakota Bankers Association

01/12/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/12/2025 20:14

Legislative Update | January 11, 2025

Legislative Update | January 11, 2025

Posted: Jan 12 2025

This Week at the Legislature

The 69th Legislative Assembly convened on Tuesday, January 7, with the legislature jumping out of the gate like a cheetah on a double venti Americano!

Governor Armstrong's State of the State set a positive, fresh tone with a warm response from the legislature. The appropriation committees received overview reports of nearly all executive branch agencies before being referred to subdivisions for public hearings and deep dives in the coming weeks. The policy committees held three days of hearings on agency bills and pre-filled bills-many considered low hanging fruit.

Bill introduction has been moving slowly. 388 bills have been introduced as of Friday afternoon. Hundreds are expected to be added in the next couple of weeks. We understand that there are well over 1,000 bill requests currently in the drafting system. Fortunately, not all of these will be introduced. The conventional wisdom is that this session could set records for the number of bills introduced.

Hearings and Other Action Last Week

HB 1080 - Relating to the Regulation of Appraisal Management Companies
The House Industry Business and Labor Committee heard HB 1106 Wednesday morning. The bill was introduced at the request of the ND Real Estate Appraiser Qualifications and Ethics Board. It is intended to bring the state's appraisal management company licensing program into compliance with federal requirements. State Appraiser Management Company (AMC) statutes are monitored at the federal level by the Appraisal Subcommittee to determine compliance with Federal Rules. The bill addresses three noncompliance issues found in the North Dakota Statutes. Corey Kost, Chair of the Appraiser Board, testified in support. The Real Estate Valuations Advocacy Association and the ND Realtor Association testified in support. There was no opposition, and the committee gave the bill a 14-0 do pass recommendation.

SB 2028 - Budget Approval Process for the Department of Financial Institutions
The Senate Industry Business and Labor Committee heard SB 2028 Wednesday morning. SB 2028 was introduced at the request of the ND Legislative Interim Government Finance Committee. The bill would remove the Department of Financial Institutions from the Legislative budgeting process and subject it to a continuing appropriation over seen by the State Banking Board and State Credit Union board as the department is completely funded by private industry with no taxpayer funds. Commissioner Kruse testified in favor of the legislation, stating that it would enhance DFI response to changing economic and industry trends, reduce risk of federal preemption and improve North Dakota's ability to influence emerging national issues. NDBA's Rick Clayburgh testified in favor of the bill. The Dakota Credit Union Association also testified in support. There was no opposition, and the committee gave the bill a 5-0 do pass recommendation.

Hearings The Week of January 13, 2025

1/13/2025 8:30 AM
SB 2008

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of financial institutions.
Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division

1/13/2025 9:30 AM
SB 2122

Relating to the Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act and trustees for commercial buildings during foreclosures; and to provide for application.
Senate Industry and Business

1/13/2025 10:30 AM
SB 2123

Relating to the Uniform Special Deposits Act; and to provide for application.
Senate Industry and Business

1/14/2025 9:00 AM
HB 1184

Relating to digital asset and precious metal investments.
House Industry, Business and Labor

1/14/2025 9:00 AM
HCR 3001

A concurrent resolution encouraging the State Treasurer and State Investment Board to invest selected state funds in digital assets and precious metals.
House Industry, Business and Labor

1/14/2025 9:30 AM
HB 1134

Relating to the dissemination of personally identifying information; to provide a penalty; and to declare an emergency.
House Judiciary

1/14/2025 2:00 PM
HB 1127

Relating to the financial institution data security program; and to amend and reenact sections 6-01-04.1 and 6-01-04.2, subsection 7 of section 6-03-02, sections 13-04.1-01.1, 13-04.1-11.1, 13-05-07.1, 13-08-10, 13-08-11.1, and 13-09.1-14, subsection 3 of section 13-09.1-17, sections 13-09.1-38 and 13-10-05, subsection 1 of section 13-11-10, section 13-12-19, subsections 6, 21, and 22 of section 13-13-01, and sections 13-13-04 and 13-13-18 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the department of financial institutions, financial institutions, response to department requests, renewal of licenses, orders to cease and desist, issuance of licenses, revocation of licenses, and exemptions from licenses.
House Industry, Business and Labor

1/15/2025 8:30 AM
HB 1149

Relating to the revised uniform unclaimed property act; and to declare an emergency.
House Industry, Business and Labor

1/15/2025 8:30 AM
HB 1150

Relating to Sunday closing laws; to amend and reenact section 12.1-30-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to Sunday closing laws and retail agreements; and to provide a penalty.
House Industry, Business and Labor

1/15/2025 9:00 AM
SB 2164

Relating to the duty of confidentiality and disclosure to the North Dakota protection and advocacy project.
Senate Human Services

1/15/2025 11:00 AM
SB 2127

Relating to the Uniform Electronic Estate Planning Documents Act; and to provide for application.
Senate Judiciary

1/16/2025 9:00 AM
HB 1089

Relating to regulations or plans adopted by international organizations; and to amend and reenact sections 23-12-21 and 23.1-01-15 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to international health and climate control regulations.
House Energy and Natural Resources

1/16/2025 9:30 AM
HB 1141

Relating to using public services or property for a political purpose.
House Political Subdivisions

1/16/2025 2:00 PM
HB 1155

Relating to a certificate of collector's title; and to provide a penalty.
House Transportation